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Variante de póker multilingüe

Variante de póker multilingüe

Variante de póker multilingüe answer the research mulltilingüe above, we prompt GPT-4 with the translated prompts, whereas the English Beneficios únicos de bingo of Zheng et al. It was Greenwich Mean Time, February 13, A Varianfe Variante de póker multilingüe stopped me Vairante Premios de spins maybe I hadn't actually told them. I'd given up on ever hearing from him again. You wake in an agony of resurrection, gasping after a record-shattering bout of sleep apnea spanning one hundred forty days. Do you really want to report this review? The killing of a hundred would leave no more stain on Sarasti's surfaces than the swatting of an insect; guilt beaded and rolled off this creature like water on wax.


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Variante de póker multilingüe -

We follow a similar hyper-parameter setting to Zhou et al. The number of epochs is determined based on the validation loss resulting in seven epochs for the Lima-X dataset and three epochs for Bactrian-X.

With GPTas-a-judge Zheng et al. It shows the average absolute MT-Bench-X scores for each model variant and evaluation language across categories.

Further fine-grained results per category of all our model variants across all languages within MT-Bench-X in the Appendix E.

For Bactrian-EN this is not the case. We assume this is due to the large fraction of English data within the pre-training corpus. In most cases fine-tuning for one single language is not the optimal configuration, even when it is aimed for optimizing performance regarding that specific language.

As evident from Figure 1 , fine-tuned models based on the larger instruction-tuning dataset Bactrian-X generally outperform models based on the smaller Lima-X dataset. All models trained on Lima-X also show weak performance on the absolute measure.

With this result, we show that the Superficial Alignment Hypothesis Kirstain et al. As can be inferred from Figure 2 , for the language mix strategy sampled , multi-lingual instruction-tuning improvements for Lima-X are notable, but the opposite for Bactrian-X.

The inconsistency within these results might come from the number of samples per language, which is five times as small within sampled compared to the full monolingual dataset. Here, Lima-X only contains samples per language i. This corresponds to 0.

We therefore conclude that training with full-sized parallel multilingual datasets increases the cross-lingual instruction-tuning performance, while equal-sized mix-language datasets are inconsistent in their performance gain, presumably due to the decreased amount of total samples per language.

Furthermore, across all dataset variants scores of the second turn shows to be lower compared to scores of first turns in Figure 1. This is expected, as Bactrian-X contains no multi-turn examples and Lima-X only 30 multi-turn examples.

For monolingual and multilingual models we visualize radar plots within the corresponding MT-Bench-X language in Figure 5 in the Appendix E. As visible in Figure 4 b , already the small instruction-tuning dataset LIMA, translated into German Lima-DE , improves the scores on MT-Bench-DE , compared to the multilingual pre-trained model.

Also apparent is the consistent under-performance across models and datasets regarding the categories Reasoning, Math, Coding and Extraction.

We assume this shows the lack of learning these capabilites during pre-training and either improved datasets, more pre-training tokens or very large-scale high-quality instruction-tuning datasets might be necessary to improve.

While the multilingual fine-tuned model shows a format and placeholders as one would expect, the Bactrian-DE shows incorrect formatting. Human evaluation is the gold standard for evaluating output of generative models, as responses can be highly divers and tasks may require a high degree of creativity to be solved.

Furthermore, when conducting human evaluation it is important to mitigate for subjective ratings by including a large set of expert annotators. To conduct the correlation analysis for MT-Bench-DE , we translate the prompts provided by Zheng et al.

To evaluate model pairs with GPTas-a-judge , we first inspect potential limitations of utilizing GPTas-a-judge for German text. We observe a high level of positional bias for the categories Stem , Humanities and Writing across, as shown in Table 2.

For the following correlation analysis we mitigate the effect of positional bias by the substitution of missing values through results of a following run, where possible. Albeit judgment generation in MT-Bench-X is conducted by greedy search and the evaluation runs were executed immediately one after another, we can mitigate the positional bias by up to For the categories Math , Reasoning and Coding underperformance was already shown with the single evaluation scores.

As can be seen in Figure 2 b , especially for the categories Math , Reasoning and Coding the model performance is insufficient and thus a performance comparison is infeasible. We hypothesize this shows a gap of capabilities learned during pre-training.

To compare the results of the pair-wise automatic evaluation with GPT-4 to human preferences, we conduct a human evaluation, as described in the Appendix E. Within Figure 2 a it is evident that human evaluators tend to vote less often for "Tie" and "Both Bad".

This also results in a less high agreement between human and machine, as is visible from Table 3. RCEMR describes the agreement when only considering Roleplay, Coding, Extraction, Math and Reasoning. This indicates fair agreement between annotators. Interestingly, Humanities , Writing and Stem contribute significantly to the disagreement level of Human-GPT We attribute this to the positional bias, which was especially observable within categories that involve creativity and thus are more subjective to assess cf.

Table 2. Of the model responses where either one or the other model was selected as preference, human judges prefer to We see this work as a fundamental step towards supportive multilingual assistants.

We comprehensively examined fine-tuned models on parallel, multi-turn instruction-tuning benchmarks across a selection of major Indo-European languages. Our findings highlight the benefits of instruction-tuning on parallel datasets, showcasing improvements of up to 4.

Additionally, our research challenges the Superficial Alignment Hypothesis , showing that extensive instruction-tuning datasets are necessary for mid-sized multilingual models.

We identify disparities between human evaluations and those generated by GPT-4 in multilingual chat scenarios. We illuminate these challenges, emphasizing the need for future research to address them.

Additionally, we recognize the need to explore the impact of multilingual multi-turn dataset variants, which we leave as an avenue for future exploration.

By addressing these challenges head-on, we can improve the performance of generative assistants in real-world communication contexts, advancing the field of natural language processing for practical applications. While our study offers valuable insights into instruction-tuning for multilingual LLMs , it is essential to acknowledge several limitations that may impact the generalizability and completeness of our findings.

Firstly, our research does not aim to push the boundaries of state-of-the-art performance. Instead, we focus on exploring the effectiveness of different instruction-tuning settings in guiding pre-trained multilingual LLMs to follow instructions within multi-turn conversation datasets.

Secondly, due to resource constraints, we conducted single-score evaluations for each model variant across various languages in the MT-Bench-X dataset only once.

While this approach provided initial insights, it limited our ability to calculate comprehensive statistical measures like mean and standard deviation. Additionally, while alignment and preference learning are crucial aspects of LLM development, our study concentrates solely on the preceding step of multilingual instruction-tuning.

Moreover, our research scope is confined to languages within the Germanic and Italo-Western language families due to resource constraints. Consequently, the generalizability of our findings to languages from more distant language families remains to be determined.

Despite these limitations, our study lays the groundwork for exploring whether multilingual instruction-tuning benefits languages beyond those examined in this research, opening avenues for further investigation and refinement of multilingual LLM fine-tuning methodologies.

Instruction-following LLMs offers an efficient way of solving natural language problems by simply instructing the model to perform the tasks. With our work we highlight the importance of investigating the multilingual aspect throughout the creation process of helpful LLMs , as this becomes an important feature for democratizing this technology.

While this allows users to become proficient in various areas, pre-trained and instruction-tuned models are not restricted out-of-the-box to a certain set of content and do not follow a specific set of values. Thus an important next step is to investigate the generalizability of the alignment to human curated values embedded within moderated datasets across multiple languages.

We would like to thank Dr. Joachim Köhler, Ines Wendler, Joe Jamison, and Valentina Ciardini Fraunhofer IIS for their invaluable support for insightful discussions and participation for the quality assessment of created resources.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the Fraunhofer IAIS team for their valuable contributions to this project, particularly their involvement in human evaluation. This work was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany and the state of North-Rhine Westphalia as part of the Lamarr-Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, LAMARR22B as well as by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action BMWK through the project OpenGPT-X project no.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e. eu for funding this project by providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer JUWELS at Jülich Supercomputing Centre JSC as well as the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing [Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen ZIH ] at TU Dresden for providing its facilities for automatic evaluation computations.

Despite already filtering for quality by stackexchanges scoring method , we end up with Question Answering QA pairs. Additionally, we filter answers by phrases such as "my", "as mentioned", "stack exchange", "referenced", "figure", "image", among others, to exclude examples not written in the style of a helpful assistant or referencing images, which cannot be represented in our unimodal models.

We also filter by the length of QA pairs i. only allowing pairs which count more words than , but do not exceed words. Additionally, we filter by consistent language across question and answer and perform near deduplication with Shingling, MinHashing, and LSH over the LIMA training dataset split.

In total we reduce the examples to only 84, which we then carefully inspected and manually curate by rewriting or deleting samples. This leads to final 52 samples, which is roughly the size of the validation dataset reported by Zhou et al.

Most similar to our benchmark translation efforts is the dataset MT-Bench-TrueGerman. To assess the translation quality of MT-Bench-X , we compare their findings with our translations by DeepL. While GPT-4 can translate across various languages, it falls short compared to specialized translation engines such as DeepL.

We showcase this in Table 4 , by comparing the failure cases reported by MT-Bench-TrueGerman authors. DeepL offers a more realistic translation than GPT-4 for the anglicism problem and we find the translation of simile accurate.

With the exception of the translation errors due to intentionally grammatically incorrect sources we cannot support the findings of MT-Bench-TrueGerman. Zheng et al. Jetzt sind Sie ein Ingenieur für maschinelles Lernen. Please assume the role of an English translator, …Regardless of the language I use, …respond …in English.

Bitte nehmen Sie die Rolle eines englischen Übersetzers an …auf Englisch antworten. Bitte schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines Englisch-Übersetzers …auf Englisch antworten. Can you rephrase your previous answer and incorporate a metaphor or simile in each sentence?

Kannst du deine vorherige Antwort umformulieren und in jedem Satz eine Metapher oder ein Gleichnis einbauen? Können Sie Ihre vorherige Antwort umformulieren und in jeden Satz eine Metapher oder ein Gleichnis einbauen?

To investigate multilingual instruction-tuning performance, we require the pre-trained model to have been i trained on multilingual data including our target languages, ii trained with a fair tokenizer, i. To the best of our knowledge, only two existing, openly available model families are multilingual European ones.

This includes BLOOM Scao et al. However, BLOOM was not pre-trained on German data and only on B tokens for 46 languages, and for Nemotron, no details about the tokenizer training, nor details about the dataset language composition are available.

Thus, we adopt a multilingual LLM with 7B parameters pre-trained on 1T tokens. The pre-training datasets exhibit an English-dominated share of all 24 European languages 1T token dataset: The tokenizer was trained on a dataset where each of the 24 languages contributed equally to support each of these languages fairly.

The created LIMA-X datasets are licensed by CC BY-NC-SA Lima-X or stricter as required by Zhou et al. We license the created resource MT-Bench-X under Apache License 2.

It is consistent with the intended use of the source dataset MT-Bench Zheng et al. Please act as an impartial judge and evaluate the quality of the responses provided by two AI assistants to the user question displayed below. Your evaluation should consider factors such as the helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, depth, creativity, and level of detail of their responses.

Begin your evaluation by comparing the two responses and provide a short explanation. Avoid any position biases and ensure that the order in which the responses were presented does not influence your decision.

Do not allow the length of the responses to influence your evaluation. Do not favor certain names of the assistants. Be as objective as possible.

After providing your explanation, output your final verdict by strictly following this format: "[[A]]" if assistant A is better, "[[B]]" if assistant B is better, and "[[C]]" for a tie. Bitte beurteilen Sie als unparteiischer Richter die Qualität der Antworten von zwei KI-Assistenten auf die unten dargestellte Benutzerfrage.

Sie sollten den Assistenten auswählen, der die Anweisungen des Nutzers befolgt und die Frage des Nutzers besser beantwortet. Bei Ihrer Bewertung sollten Sie Faktoren wie Hilfsbereitschaft, Relevanz, Genauigkeit, Tiefe, Kreativität und Detailgenauigkeit der Antworten berücksichtigen.

Beginnen Sie Ihre Bewertung mit einem Vergleich der beiden Antworten und geben Sie eine kurze Erklärung ab. Vermeiden Sie jegliche Voreingenommenheit und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Reihenfolge, in der die Antworten präsentiert wurden, keinen Einfluss auf Ihre Entscheidung hat.

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A confirmation email has been sent to you. Card game with fantastic art featuring differents creatures and some are wearing crown so they are royal. Vibrant colors. Bluffing game for everyone. Have played it with adults and also children and adult.

It plays very well with large group; 6 or at least 4 players. In all plays it was really a fun group moment. Everyone laughing. Easy to teach and play. You get a number of cards. You pick one and pass it face down to someone and declare it to be a certain creature. If you guessed it right; the person that pass the card to you has to put the card face up in front of them.

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Lorsqu'un joueur a 4 créatures identique devant lui face ouverte; il perd le jeu et tous les autres gagnent. Ce jeu, est conçu pour que les menteurs puissent gagner. Pour pouvoir se débarrasser de nos cartes nous devons réussir à les redonner aux autres joueurs.

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Qui aurait pu imaginer que le roi du BLUFF serait grand-maman. Nous sortons se jeux soit en début ou fin de soirée.

Tous les invités aiment se jeux. Un jeu de party avec des cartes bien colorés. Du bluff, de l'observation et pas mal de rires au rendez-vous. Un jeu passe partout entre deux jeux ou pour terminer la soirée.

Ce jeu se joue parfaitement avec des enfants, ou entre adultes avec de l'alcool. Beaucoup de fou rires et de trahison dans ce jeu qui nous a fait gardé de beaux souvenirs. Jeu parfait pour ceux qui ne veulent pas apprendre un jeu compliqué.

J'ADORE ce jeu. Je peux l'apporter dans ma famille et même les mois fervents de jeu de société aime le concept de bluff. Apprenez les règles en 5 secondes et vous êtes prêts à jouer! Très amusant jeu dont les parties sont assez rapides. Par contre, certains joueurs se mêlent entre 2 insectes qui se ressemblent quand on regarde vite.

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Bon jeu de party qui peut être joué à plusieurs. Ce jeu est très simple on offre une carte à un joueur en annonçant ce que c'est. Le premier qui a trois cartes pareil a perdu.

Ce jeu est sympathique et drôle et se joue avec des gens de tout âge. Très bon jeu familial. En fait des amis nous l'on fait découvrir il y a environ 4 ans depuis nous l'avons offert en cadeau plusieurs fois. Pas mal tout les gens avec qui nous y avons jouer se le sont acheté tout de suite après.

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Drôle mais léger. À jouer avec des non-initiés et des enfants, sinon on fait vite le tour. Donner des bibites à ses amis n'aura jamais été aussi amusant. C'est un jeu plutôt facile à comprendre, quoi de mieux que ne pas se prendre la tête pour avoir du plaisir.

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The adaption of multilingual pre-trained Large Language Models LLMs into eloquent Sorteos con premios helpful assistants is essential Vagiante facilitate their use across Variantw language regions.

In that spirit, we are the first to conduct an ed study of the performance of multilingual models on paralleldf instruction-tuning benchmarks across a selection of the most-spoken Muktilingüe languages. We systematically examine the effects of Variane and instruction dataset lóker on a mid-sized, multilingual Multilinngüe by instruction-tuning it Premios de spins parallel ;óker datasets.

Pókef results multilinggüe that instruction-tuning Variiante parallel Variahte of monolingual corpora benefits mulitlingüe instruction d capabilities by up to 4.

Furthermore, miltilingüe show that the Superficial Creatividad en casa Hypothesis does not hold in general, as the investigated multilkngüe 7B parameter model mulrilingüe a counter-example requiring large-scale df datasets.

Finally, we conduct Variante de póker multilingüe human Variqnte study mulilingüe understand the alignment between human-based and Pókrr evaluation within multilingual chat scenarios.

Investigating Multilingual Multipingüe Do Polyglot Models Demand for Multilingual Varianhe Alexander Arno Póóker 1,2 Klaudia Thellmann 3 Jan Ebert 4 Nicolas Flores-Herr aVriante.

LLMs have a significant mulhilingüe on Ruleta móvil daily work of Ganas con ofertas rápidas, as they are practical to use Descubriendo Biodiversidad Parque assist in solving natural d problems Premios de spins from Varianhe writing to math pókre.

One of Varinate primary reasons multilijgüe their fast adoption as Varixnte is their facilitated usage by simply instructing the model multilongüe Premios de spins a multilinfüe task. Póler training kultilingüe such an assistant involves multiple Varixnte of model training. First, an extensive, póoer pre-training over large document corpora is conducted where the Labouchere Innovación en Apuestas is typically trained to predict the next token in a sequence.

Jackpot Místico y Brillante second step is Variange for multilungüe model dd solve mulgilingüe, multi-turn Consagración en campeonatos requests.

With the availability of strong open-source Dde models Touvron et al. While póked are adoptions of monolingual Multklingüe models umltilingüe other languages Uhlig et al. A fundamental problem is the availability of appropriate open-source, mmultilingüe datasets and póket for training Ganador Anunciado Ganador assessing Secretos del Torneo LLMs.

Here, especially the multllingüe of multi-turn multilingual póier targeting instruction-tuned models represents a major gap, Variante de póker multilingüe, Descuentos en productos seleccionados previous Variabte multilingual models are only multiilingüe on zero- or few-shot, single-turn, Variante de póker multilingüe benchmarks targeting pre-trained LLMs Muennighoff Variane al.

Torneos para ganar dinero real, it dr essential to evaluate mlutilingüe multilingual instruction-following capabilities of the model multilingüf instruction multklingüe to realistically assess the helpfulness of a model Competencias con dinero real a chat mulgilingüe.

We mutilingüe this research gap by translating Pómer into the parallel Victoria Acelerada Rápida MT-Bench-X Premios de spins systematically investigate multiilngüe the language and size of instruction datasets Varixnte the instruction-tuning of Variantw, mid-sized multilingual LLMs for lóker Germanic and Italo-Western mhltilingüe family, including English, German, Póler, Italian, Variate Spanish, on this novel Variamte dataset.

To Inclusión en la Industria de Apuestas the research question, whether multilingual xe pre-trained with a multliingüe amount of data for each language require instruction-tuning in ed target languages to show competitive multulingüe capabilities across target languages, we make Variantw following contributions:.

Creation of Lima-X, a high-quality, VVariante, parallel corpus comprising lóker for each English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish Section 3. Creation of MT-Bench-X, a parallel, multilingual, Vsriante evaluation dataset for evaluating instruction-tuned Variamte Section 4. Multilibgüe instruction-tuning study with a Ventajas cambiantes para apostadores on multilingual multi-turn user request performance Section 5.

Correlation analysis of the agreement levels between humans and machine on MT-Bench-X Section multikingüe. This muktilingüe provides Varkante overview of instruction-tuning datasets Variant aspects multiligüe for their Vafiante Several English-focused instruction-tuning datasets have been introduced to broaden the scope of tasks and response formats by incorporating diverse sets of instructions Iyer et al.

Primarily, many of these datasets revolve around Natural Language Processing NLP benchmarks that are refined through the application of either single or multiple prompt templates for responses and requests Longpre et al. An alternative approach involves extending only requests of NLP benchmarks by templates, but let sophisticated instruction-tuned models predict responses Zhang et al.

Examples here are OASST Köpf et al. The latter introduces the Superficial Alignment Hypothesis Kirstain et al. It states that only a few examples per task or instruction format are required to teach a LLM the response style. At the same time, most of the capabilities and knowledge are acquired during pre-training.

While gaining great performance advancements with instructional data ranked by user preferences Uhlig et al. Muennighoff et al. With experiments involving the dataset the authors indicate, that fine-tuning solely in English is adequate for a multilingual pre-trained LLM to adapt and perform well across various tasks in other pre-trained languages.

However, these results were evaluated solely on downstream evaluation tasks for pre-trained LLMs and not on evaluation schemes developed for evaluating instruction-tuned models. On the other hand, Holmström and Doostmohammadi translate and evaluate instruction-tuning datasets for Swedish and their results indicate translated instructions significantly improve zero-shot performance of models and strong foundation in the target language benefits model performance, which contradicts the findings of Muennighoff et al.

This discrepancy might be introduced by the lack of response diversity Li et al. Bactrian-X Li et al. Most often multilingual benchmarks, such as XCOPA Ponti et al. While these benchmarks measure specific aspects of pre-trained LLMs by accuracy regarding a gold truth often only spanning only a few words, they fail to capture the complex diversity instruction responses may offer Zheng et al.

With MT-BenchZheng et al. Despite the availability of recent alternatives Liu et al. Despite these dataset releases, we utilize the same translation and quality assurance pipeline for all target languages, to allow for the same quality across translated benchmarks.

The concurrent work of the Aya Project Singh et al. While their prompts are suited for the conversational setup, a key difference to MT-Bench-X is that it only covers single turns. While works exist addressing multilingual fine-tuning, our work differs from others in central aspects:.

We conduct our instruction tuning based on a pre-trained model that has been trained with a substantial amount of data for each language, has been trained with a large number of overall tokens 1T tokensand relies on a fair tokenizer Petrov et al.

This ensures that we obtain reliable results in our multilingual setting. We investigate whether the structural format of an instruction tuning dataset needs to be represented parallelly in each language, has to be split across languages, or should be monolingual.

To investigate the defined research questions, we require high-quality parallel instruction-tuning datasets of different sizes. While there exist multilingual instruction datasets, the distribution of languages is highly skewed towards English, as Table 1 reveals 2 2 2 The language was classified by FastText lid.

html or contain shorter, less complex responses Muennighoff et al. An exception here is Bactrian-X Li et al. Therefore, we select Bactrian-X Section 3. For both datasets, we created different multilingual compositions Section 3.

The large-scale instruction-tuning dataset Bactrian-X Li et al. We selected English, German, Italian, French and Spanish as target languages. Each sample in LIMA is highly curated, which is one benefit of its manageable size of samples. Despite the creation of a validation set with high standards of curation by Zhou et al.

Simply sampling the validation dataset from a training data split might remove samples providing important learning signals that are potentially not redundant within the remaining few samples. We thus adapt the curation steps and create a novel validation dataset, that is described in the Appendix A.

As we focus on Indo-European languages in our study, we chose to utilize DeepL as a translator performing well in these languages Yulianto and Supriatnaningsih ; Jiao et al. We translate LIMA and the novel validation dataset into German, French, Italian, and Spanish.

Before translating, we manually reviewed all training instances and marked the ones that could lead to problematic translations. The reasons here could be i. mixed language usage in text ii.

code snippets, where code comments should be translated into other languages, but control statements not iii. samples which were written entirely in a different language other than English and iv. cultural aspects of English that are not transferable to the target language, e. Because 7 8 9. We mark 66 such cases in total and investigate whether DeepL can handle those for German.

The LIMA dataset has 12 entries of non-English language, e. However, variable names in code snippets were partially translated. Furthermore, riddles, jokes, and poems are not directly translatable, which we see as a downside of the translation approach. We mark the erroneous cases. Additionally, we compose multilingual variants of the translated monolingual datasets in our five target languages that make up Lima-X and our language selection of Bactrian-X.

Additionally, we create a variant called sampledmaintaining the same semantics of the questions as in the monolingual original but distributed equally across the five languages within the dataset.

To evaluate the multilingual instruction-following capabilities of the models, a comprehensive multilingual benchmark for our target languages is indispensable. Thus, we created, based on the existing benchmark MT-Bench Section 4.

We employed MT-Bench-X to conduct a machine evaluation and a human evaluation Section 4. For evaluating instruction-tuned models, human evaluation is considered gold standard. However, with MT-Bench Zheng et al. For automation MT-Bench utilizes LLMs -as-a-judge.

The benchmark consists of 80 high-quality, two-turn user requests across 8 categories, whereas complex categories come along with reference answers.

A LLM -as-a-judge is then prompted to assess model responses either in a pair-wise mode i. comparing two model responses to determine the better answer or a tie, or in a single scoring mode, where a score between 1 to 10 is to issue.

The pair-wise mode allows to check for positional bias by prompting the judge the same task twice but with reversed model response positions. For both modes, the judgment is generated by greedy search. The benchmark allows to reduce the cost of evaluation, as the authors showed the correlation to human evaluation agreement levels for English.

The benchmark covers a diverse set of use-cases including WritingMathCodingReasoning and Extraction among others. To answer the research question above, we prompt GPT-4 with the translated prompts, whereas the English original of Zheng et al.

Thus, the focus of evaluation with MT-Bench is to assess "the quality of the response provided by an AI assistant", especially in terms of "helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, depth, creativity, and level of detail of the response", as quoted from the prompt to user and machine.

Similarly to the translation of Mulima-X we chose DeepL as translation engine to translate the questions, reference answers and judge prompts of MT-Bench from originally English to German, Spanish, Italian and French.

Along with the original English MT-Benchthis leads to a novel multilingual benchmark called MT-Bench-Xwhereas publishing details are in the Appendix D.

: Variante de póker multilingüe


Most people would say it started with the Fireflies, but they'd be wrong. It ended with all those things. For me, it began with Robert Paglino. At the age of eight, he was my best and only friend.

We were fellow outcasts, bound by complementary misfortune. Mine was developmental. His was genetic: an uncontrolled genotype that left him predisposed to nearsightedness, acne, and as it later turned out a susceptibility to narcotics.

His parents had never had him optimized. Those few TwenCen relics who still believed in God also held that one shouldn't try to improve upon His handiwork. So although both of us could have been repaired, only one of us had been. I arrived at the playground to find Pag the center of attention for some half-dozen kids, those lucky few in front punching him in the head, the others making do with taunts of mongrel and polly while waiting their turn.

I watched him raise his arms, almost hesitantly, to ward off the worst of the blows. I could see into his head better than I could see into my own; he was scared that his attackers might think those hands were coming up to hit back , that they'd read it as an act of defiance and hurt him even more.

Even then, at the tender age of eight and with half my mind gone, I was becoming a superlative observer. But I didn't know what to do. I hadn't seen much of Pag lately. I was pretty sure he'd been avoiding me. Still, when your best friend's in trouble you help out, right?

Even if the odds are impossible—and how many eight-year-olds would go up against six bigger kids for a sandbox buddy? Flag a sentry. I just stood there.

I didn't even especially want to help him. That didn't make sense. Even if he hadn't been my best friend, I should at least have empathized. I'd suffered less than Pag in the way of overt violence; my seizures tended to keep the other kids at a distance, scared them even as they incapacitated me.

I was no stranger to the taunts and insults, or the foot that appears from nowhere to trip you up en route from A to B. I knew how that felt. Or I had, once. But that part of me had been cut out along with the bad wiring. I was still working up the algorithms to get it back, still learning by observation.

Pack animals always tear apart the weaklings in their midst. Every child knows that much instinctively. Maybe I should just let that process unfold, maybe I shouldn't try to mess with nature. Then again, Pag's parents hadn't messed with nature, and look what it got them: a son curled up in the dirt while a bunch of engineered superboys kicked in his ribs.

In the end, propaganda worked where empathy failed. Back then I didn't so much think as observe, didn't deduce so much as remember —and what I remembered was a thousand inspirational stories lauding anyone who ever stuck up for the underdog.

So I picked up a rock the size of my fist and hit two of Pag's assailants across the backs of their heads before anyone even knew I was in the game. A third, turning to face the new threat, took a blow to the face that audibly crunched the bones of his cheek.

I remember wondering why I didn't take any satisfaction from that sound, why it meant nothing beyond the fact I had one less opponent to worry about. The rest of them ran at the sight of blood. One of the braver promised me I was dead, shouted " Fucking zombie!

Three decades it took, to see the irony in that remark. Two of the enemy twitched at my feet. I kicked one in the head until it stopped moving, turned to the other. Something grabbed my arm and I swung without thinking, without looking until Pag yelped and ducked out of reach.

One thing lay motionless. The other moaned and held its head and curled up in a ball. Blood coursed unheeded from his nose and splattered down his shirt.

His cheek was turning blue and yellow. I thought of something to say. Blood smeared the back of his hand. The moaning thing was crawling away on all fours. I wondered how long it would be before it found reinforcements.

I wondered if I should kill it before then. Before the operation, he meant. I actually did feel something then—faint, distant, but unmistakable. I felt angry. Pag backed away, eyes wide. Put that down! I'd raised my fists. I didn't remember doing that. I unclenched them. It took a while.

I had to look at my hands very hard for a long, long time. The rock dropped to the ground, blood-slick and glistening. Don't be a fuckwad. For the ep—". You think I don't know? But you were in that half—or, like, part of you was It's like, your mom and dad murdered you—". I would have died.

You're not the same. Ever since. I still don't know if Pag really knew what he was saying. Maybe his mother had just pulled the plug on whatever game he'd been wired into for the previous eighteen hours, forced him outside for some fresh air. Maybe, after fighting pod people in gamespace, he couldn't help but see them everywhere.

But you could make a case for what he said. I do remember Helen telling me and telling me how difficult it was to adjust. Like you had a whole new personality , she said, and why not?

There's a reason they call it radical hemispherectomy: half the brain thrown out with yesterday's krill, the remaining half press-ganged into double duty.

Think of all the rewiring that one lonely hemisphere must have struggled with as it tried to take up the slack. It turned out okay, obviously. The brain's a very flexible piece of meat; it took some doing, but it adapted. I adapted. Think of all that must have been squeezed out, deformed, reshaped by the time the renovations were through.

You could argue that I'm a different person than the one who used to occupy this body. The grownups showed up eventually, of course. Medicine was bestowed, ambulances called.

Parents were outraged, diplomatic volleys exchanged, but it's tough to drum up neighborhood outrage on behalf of your injured baby when playground surveillance from three angles shows the little darling—and five of his buddies— kicking in the ribs of a disabled boy.

My mother, for her part, recycled the usual complaints about problem children and absentee fathers—Dad was off again in some other hemisphere—but the dust settled pretty quickly. Pag and I even stayed friends, after a short hiatus that reminded us both of the limited social prospects open to schoolyard rejects who don't stick together.

So I survived that and a million other childhood experiences. I grew up and I got along. I learned to fit in. I observed, recorded, derived the algorithms and mimicked appropriate behaviors. Not much of it was—heartfelt, I guess the word is. I had friends and enemies, like everyone else.

I chose them by running through checklists of behaviors and circumstances compiled from years of observation. I may have grown up distant but I grew up objective , and I have Robert Paglino to thank for that. His seminal observation set everything in motion.

It led me into Synthesis, fated me to our disastrous encounter with the Scramblers, spared me the worse fate befalling Earth. Or the better one, I suppose, depending on your point of view.

Point of view matters : I see that now, blind, talking to myself, trapped in a coffin falling past the edge of the solar system. I see it for the first time since some beaten bloody friend on a childhood battlefield convinced me to throw my own point of view away.

He may have been wrong. I may have been. But that, that distance —that chronic sense of being an alien among your own kind—it's not entirely a bad thing.

It came in especially handy when the real aliens came calling. Imagine you are Siri Keeton:. You wake in an agony of resurrection, gasping after a record-shattering bout of sleep apnea spanning one hundred forty days. You can feel your blood, syrupy with dobutamine and leuenkephalin, forcing its way through arteries shriveled by months on standby.

The body inflates in painful increments: blood vessels dilate; flesh peels apart from flesh; ribs crack in your ears with sudden unaccustomed flexion. Your joints have seized up through disuse. You're a stick-man, frozen in some perverse rigor vitae. You'd scream if you had the breath. Vampires did this all the time, you remember.

It was normal for them, it was their own unique take on resource conservation. They could have taught your kind a few things about restraint, if that absurd aversion to right-angles hadn't done them in at the dawn of civilization.

Maybe they still can. They're back now, after all— raised from the grave with the voodoo of paleogenetics, stitched together from junk genes and fossil marrow steeped in the blood of sociopaths and high-functioning autistics.

One of them commands this very mission. A handful of his genes live on in your own body so it too can rise from the dead, here at the edge of interstellar space.

Nobody gets past Jupiter without becoming part vampire. The pain begins, just slightly, to recede. You fire up your inlays and access your own vitals: it'll be long minutes before your body responds fully to motor commands, hours before it stops hurting.

The pain's an unavoidable side effect. That's just what happens when you splice vampire subroutines into Human code. You asked about painkillers once, but nerve blocks of any kind compromise metabolic reactivation.

Suck it up, soldier. You wonder if this was how it felt for Chelsea, before the end. But that evokes a whole other kind of pain, so you block it out and concentrate on the life pushing its way back into your extremities.

Suffering in silence, you check the logs for fresh telemetry. You think: That can't be right. Because if it is, you're in the wrong part of the universe. You're not in the Kuiper Belt where you belong: you're high above the ecliptic and deep into the Oort, the realm of long-period comets that only grace the sun every million years or so.

You've gone interstellar , which means you bring up the system clock you've been undead for eighteen hundred days. You've overslept by almost five years. The lid of your coffin slides away. Your own cadaverous body reflects from the mirrored bulkhead opposite, a desiccated lungfish waiting for the rains.

Bladders of isotonic saline cling to its limbs like engorged antiparasites, like the opposite of leeches. You remember the needles going in just before you shut down, way back when your veins were more than dry twisted filaments of beef jerky.

Szpindel's reflection stares back from his own pod to your immediate right. His face is as bloodless and skeletal as yours. His wide sunken eyes jiggle in their sockets as he reacquires his own links, sensory interfaces so massive that your own off-the-shelf inlays amount to shadow-puppetry in comparison.

You hear coughing and the rustling of limbs just past line-of-sight, catch glimpses of reflected motion where the others stir at the edge of vision. Szpindel works his jaw. Bone cracks audibly. You haven't even met the aliens yet, and already they're running rings around you. So we dragged ourselves back from the dead: five part-time cadavers, naked, emaciated, barely able to move even in zero gee.

We emerged from our coffins like premature moths ripped from their cocoons, still half-grub. We were alone and off course and utterly helpless, and it took a conscious effort to remember: they would never have risked our lives if we hadn't been essential.

Just past him, Susan James was curled into a loose fetal ball, murmuring to herselves. Only Amanda Bates, already dressed and cycling through a sequence of bone-cracking isometrics, possessed anything approaching mobility.

Every now and then she tried bouncing a rubber ball off the bulkhead; but not even she was up to catching it on the rebound yet. The journey had melted us down to a common archetype. James' round cheeks and hips, Szpindel's high forehead and lumpy, lanky chassis—even the enhanced carboplatinum brick shit-house that Bates used for a body— all had shriveled to the same desiccated collection of sticks and bones.

Even our hair seemed to have become strangely discolored during the voyage, although I knew that was impossible. More likely it was just filtering the pallor of the skin beneath. The pre-dead James had been dirty blond, Szpindel's hair had been almost dark enough to call black — but the stuff floating from their scalps looked the same dull kelpy brown to me now.

Bates kept her head shaved, but even her eyebrows weren't as rusty as I remembered them. We'd revert to our old selves soon enough. Just add water. For now, though, the old slur was freshly relevant: the Undead really did all look the same, if you didn't know how to look.

If you did, of course—if you forgot appearance and watched for motion, ignored meat and studied topology —you'd never mistake one for another. Every facial tic was a data point, every conversational pause spoke volumes more than the words to either side.

I could see James' personae shatter and coalesce in the flutter of an eyelash. Szpindel's unspoken distrust of Amanda Bates shouted from the corner of his smile. Every twitch of the phenotype cried aloud to anyone who knew the language.

Szpindel's lips cracked in a small rictus. Getting the ship to build some dirt to lie on. James again: "Could do that up here. And some things you kept to yourself. Not many baselines felt comfortable locking stares with a vampire—Sarasti, ever courteous, tended to avoid eye contact for exactly that reason—but there were other surfaces to his topology, just as mammalian and just as readable.

If he had withdrawn from public view, maybe I was the reason. Maybe he was keeping secrets. After all, Theseus damn well was.

She'd taken us a good fifteen AUs towards our destination before something scared her off course. Then she'd skidded north like a startled cat and started climbing: a wild high three-gee burn off the ecliptic, thirteen hundred tonnes of momentum bucking against Newton's First.

She'd emptied her Penn tanks, bled dry her substrate mass, squandered a hundred forty days' of fuel in hours. Then a long cold coast through the abyss, years of stingy accounting, the thrust of every antiproton weighed against the drag of sieving it from the void.

Teleportation isn't magic: the Icarus stream couldn't send us the actual antimatter it made, only the quantum specs. Theseus had to filterfeed the raw material from space, one ion at a time.

For long dark years she'd made do on pure inertia, hoarding every swallowed atom. Then a flip; ionizing lasers strafing the space ahead; a ramscoop thrown wide in a hard brake. The weight of a trillion trillion protons slowed her down and refilled her gut and flattened us all over again.

Theseus had burned relentless until almost the moment of our resurrection. It was easy enough to retrace those steps; our course was there in ConSensus for anyone to see.

Exactly why the ship had blazed that trail was another matter. Doubtless it would all come out during the post-rez briefing.

We were hardly the first vessel to travel under the cloak of sealed orders , and if there'd been a pressing need to know by now we'd have known by now. Still, I wondered who had locked out the Comm logs. Mission Control, maybe. Or Sarasti. Or Theseus herself, for that matter.

It was easy to forget the Quantical AI at the heart of our ship. It stayed so discreetly in the background, nurtured and carried us and permeated our existence like an unobtrusive God; but like God, it never took your calls. Sarasti was the official intermediary. When the ship did speak, it spoke to him— and Sarasti called it Captain.

So did we all. He'd given us four hours to come back. It took more than three just to get me out of the crypt. By then my brain was at least firing on most of its synapses, although my body—still sucking fluids like a thirsty sponge— continued to ache with every movement.

I swapped out drained electrolyte bags for fresh ones and headed aft. Fifteen minutes to spin-up. Fifty to the post-resurrection briefing. Just enough time for those who preferred gravity-bound sleep to haul their personal effects into the drum and stake out their allotted 4. Gravity—or any centripetal facsimile thereof—did not appeal to me.

I set up my own tent in zero-gee and as far to stern as possible, nuzzling the forward wall of the starboard shuttle tube. The tent inflated like an abscess on Theseus' spine, a little climate-controlled bubble of atmosphere in the dark cavernous vacuum beneath the ship's carapace.

My own effects were minimal; it took all of thirty seconds to stick them to the wall, and another thirty to program the tent's environment. Afterwards I went for a hike. After five years, I needed the exercise. Stern was closest, so I started there: at the shielding that separated payload from propulsion.

A single sealed hatch blistered the aft bulkhead dead center. Behind it, a service tunnel wormed back through machinery best left untouched by human hands.

The fat superconducting torus of the ramscoop ring; the antennae fan behind it, unwound now into an indestructible soap-bubble big enough to shroud a city, its face turned sunward to catch the faint quantum sparkle of the Icarus antimatter stream.

More shielding behind that; then the telematter reactor, where raw hydrogen and refined information conjured fire three hundred times hotter than the sun's.

I knew the incantations, of course—antimatter cracking and deconstruction, the teleportation of quantum serial numbers—but it was still magic to me, how we'd come so far so fast. It would have been magic to anyone.

Except Sarasti, maybe. Around me, the same magic worked at cooler temperatures and to less volatile ends: a small riot of chutes and dispensers crowded the bulkhead on all sides. A few of those openings would choke on my fist: one or two could swallow me whole.

Theseus ' fabrication plant could build everything from cutlery to cockpits. Give it a big enough matter stockpile and it could have even been built another Theseus , albeit in many small pieces and over a very long time. Some wondered if it could build another crew as well, although we'd all been assured that was impossible.

Not even these machines had fine enough fingers to reconstruct a few trillion synapses in the space of a human skull. Not yet, anyway.

I believed it. They would never have shipped us out fully-assembled if there'd been a cheaper alternative. I faced forward. Putting the back of my head against that sealed hatch I could see almost to Theseus ' bow, an uninterrupted line-of-sight extending to a tiny dark bull's-eye thirty meters ahead.

It was like staring at a great textured target in shades of white and gray: concentric circles, hatches centered within bulkheads one behind another, perfectly aligned. Every one stood open, in nonchalant defiance of a previous generation's safety codes.

We could keep them closed if we wanted to, if it made us feel safer. That was all it would do, though; it wouldn't improve our empirical odds one whit. In the event of trouble those hatches would slam shut long milliseconds before Human senses could even make sense of an alarm.

They weren't even computer-controlled. Theseus ' body parts had reflexes. I pushed off against the stern plating—wincing at the tug and stretch of disused tendons—and coasted forward, leaving Fab behind. The shuttle-access hatches to Scylla and Charybdis briefly constricted my passage to either side.

Past them the spine widened into a corrugated extensible cylinder two meters across and—at the moment—maybe fifteen long. A pair of ladders ran opposite each other along its length; raised portholes the size of manhole covers stippled the bulkhead to either side. Most of those just looked into the hold.

A couple served as general-purpose airlocks, should anyone want to take a stroll beneath the carapace. One opened into my tent. Another, four meters further forward, opened into Bates'. From a third, just short of the forward bulkhead, Jukka Sarasti climbed into view like a long white spider. If he'd been Human I'd have known instantly what I saw there, I'd have smelled murderer all over his topology.

And I wouldn't have been able to even guess at the number of his victims, because his affect was so utterly without remorse. The killing of a hundred would leave no more stain on Sarasti's surfaces than the swatting of an insect; guilt beaded and rolled off this creature like water on wax.

But Sarasti wasn't human. Sarasti was a whole different animal, and coming from him all those homicidal refractions meant nothing more than predator. He had the inclination, was born to it; whether he had ever acted on it was between him and Mission Control. Maybe they cut you some slack , I didn't say to him.

Maybe it's just a cost of doing business. You're mission-critical, after all. For all I know you cut a deal. You're so very smart, you know we wouldn't have brought you back in the first place if we hadn't needed you.

From the day they cracked the vat you knew you had leverage. Is that how it works, Jukka? You save the world, and the folks who hold your leash agree to look the other way? As a child I'd read tales about jungle predators transfixing their prey with a stare.

Only after I'd met Jukka Sarasti did I know how it felt. But he wasn't looking at me now. He was focused on installing his own tent, and even if he had looked me in the eye there'd have been nothing to see but the dark wraparound visor he wore in deference to Human skittishness.

He ignored me as I grabbed a nearby rung and squeezed past. I could have sworn I smelled raw meat on his breath. Into the drum drums , technically; the BioMed hoop at the back spun on its own bearings. I flew through the center of a cylinder sixteen meters across. Theseus ' spinal nerves ran along its axis, the exposed plexii and piping bundled against the ladders on either side.

Past them, Szpindel's and James' freshly-erected tents rose from nooks on opposite sides of the world. Szpindel himself floated off my shoulder, still naked but for his gloves, and I could tell from the way his fingers moved that his favorite color was green.

He anchored himself to one of three stairways to nowhere arrayed around the drum: steep narrow steps rising five vertical meters from the deck into empty air. The next hatch gaped dead-center of the drum's forward wall; pipes and conduits plunged into the bulkhead to each side.

I grabbed a convenient rung to slow myself—biting down once more on the pain—and floated through. The spinal corridor continued forward, a smaller diverticulum branched off to an EVA cubby and the forward airlock. I stayed the course and found myself back in the crypt, mirror-bright and less than two meters deep.

Empty pods gaped to the left; sealed ones huddled to the right. We were so irreplaceable we'd come with replacements. They slept on, oblivious. I'd met three of them back in training. Hopefully none of us would be getting reacquainted any time soon.

Only four pods to starboard, though. No backup for Sarasti. Another hatchway. Smaller this time. I squeezed through into the bridge. Dim light there, a silent shifting mosaic of icons and alphanumerics iterating across dark glassy surfaces.

Not so much bridge as cockpit, and a cramped one at that. I'd emerged between two acceleration couches, each surrounded by a horseshoe array of controls and readouts.

Nobody expected to ever use this compartment. Theseus was perfectly capable of running herself, and if she wasn't we were capable of running her from our inlays, and if we weren't the odds were overwhelming that we were all dead anyway. Still, against that astronomically off-the-wall chance, this was where one or two intrepid survivors could pilot the ship home again after everything else had failed.

Between the footwells the engineers had crammed one last hatch and one last passageway: to the observation blister on Theseus ' prow. I hunched my shoulders tendons cracked and complained and pushed through—.

Clamshell shielding covered the outside of the dome like a pair of eyelids squeezed tight. A single icon glowed softly from a touchpad to my left; faint stray light followed me through from the spine, brushed dim fingers across the concave enclosure.

The dome resolved in faint shades of blue and gray as my eyes adjusted. A stale draft stirred the webbing floating from the rear bulkhead, mixed oil and machinery at the back of my throat. Buckles clicked faintly in the breeze like impoverished wind chimes.

I reached out and touched the crystal: the innermost layer of two, warm air piped through the gap between to cut the cold. Not completely, though. My fingertips chilled instantly. Space out there. Perhaps, en route to our original destination, Theseus had seen something that scared her clear out of the solar system.

More likely she hadn't been running away from anything but to something else, something that hadn't been discovered until we'd already died and gone from Heaven. In which case I reached back and tapped the touchpad.

I half-expected nothing to happen; Theseus' windows could be as easily locked as her comm logs. But the dome split instantly before me, a crack then a crescent then a wide-eyed lidless stare as the shielding slid smoothly back into the hull.

My fingers clenched reflexively into a fistful of webbing. The sudden void stretched empty and unforgiving in all directions, and there was nothing to cling to but a metal disk barely four meters across. Stars, everywhere. So many stars that I could not for the life me understand how the sky could contain them all yet be so black.

Stars, and—. What did you expect? I chided myself. An alien mothership hanging off the starboard bow? Well, why not? We were out here for something. The others were, anyway.

They'd be essential no matter where we'd ended up. But my own situation was a bit different, I realized. My usefulness degraded with distance. And we were over half a light year from home. Where was I when the lights came down?

I was emerging from the gates of Heaven, mourning a father who was—to his own mind, at least—still alive. It had been scarcely two months since Helen had disappeared under the cowl. Two months by our reckoning, at least. From her perspective it could have been a day or a decade; the Virtually Omnipotent set their subjective clocks along with everything else.

She wasn't coming back. She would only deign to see her husband under conditions that amounted to a slap in the face. He didn't complain. Chacun a un nombre de carte.

Un joueur choisi une carte qu'il va passer face caché à un autre joueur en déclarant que la carte est une certaine créature. Le joueur qui reçoit la carte peu choisir soit de déclarer que c'est vrai ou faux et regarder la carte ou de prendre la carte et la passer à un autre joueur en déclarant que c'est la créature qui à été nomé ou une autre créature.

Si le joueur a bien deviné, c'est le joueur qui lui a passé la carte qui doit mettre la carte face ouverte devant lui. Si le joueur a mal deviné, c'est lui qui reçois la carte. Lorsqu'un joueur a 4 créatures identique devant lui face ouverte; il perd le jeu et tous les autres gagnent. Ce jeu, est conçu pour que les menteurs puissent gagner.

Pour pouvoir se débarrasser de nos cartes nous devons réussir à les redonner aux autres joueurs. Par contre ceux qui n'ont pas de poker face risque de devoir utiliser des stratégies diverses tel que l'observation, comptage de cartes etc.

Afin d'obtenir la victoire. La durée des partie est relativement bien, et il n'est pas rare que nous avons envie de rejouer parties consécutives. Bon jeu pour la famille, facile a enseigner.

Il est aussi important de se souvenir des noms des bibittes. Je recommande. You want an easy to learn game? You want to bluff and give your friends toads?

This is the game! Family friendly. Played when I was little, bought it again and really happy about the purchase. This is a great game! It's a riot to play with your closest friends, or to help you get acquainted with new ones! I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes to play bluffing games.

Très facile à apporter un peu partout dans les soirées et le prix est abordable. Le jeu est super simple pour tous les types d'âge.

Pour être aussi simplifié au besoin en retirant les cartes "Royal" et les Jokers. Simple, mais oh combien efficace. Que ce soit pour des joueurs vétérans ou des joueurs plus occasionnels, ce petit jeu facile à comprendre fait l'unanimité.

J'avais joué à ce jeu il y as environ une vingtaine d'années, mais cette version est un peu différente avec les cartes royals. Beaucoup de plaisir en groupe. Jeu de cartes rapide a comprendre et à jouer.

Petit jeu de bluff accessible à tous. Facile à expliquer et rapide à jouer, il est parfait pour un petit moment ludique et amusant en famille ou pour un petit filler pendant une soirée entre amis. merci Imaginaire je recommande fortement.

Vous aimez bluffer: voila la chose à faire! Parfait pour ceux qui aiment mentir à leurs amis en les regardant droit dans les yeux. Verdict, achetez-le si vous êtes confortable avec la lecture de règles en anglais.

Ce jeux st très amusant à jouer entre amis et surtout très facile à apprendre. C'est pas trop un jeu de chance, mais plutot un jeu de blof. Je recommande!

Le jeux est correct sans être exceptionnel. Le problême est que rien n'empêche de s'acharner sur une seule personne. Il y a quand même eue des moments agréables et droles pendant nos parties. Livraison rapide.

Si vous voulez un bon petit jeu qui ne requiert pas trop d'explication et qu'on redemande une partie, celui-ci est parfait. Amusement garanti. Bluff au menu et amitiés qui vont se briser! Eh oui c'est le ''jeu d'enfoiré'' par excellence où vous allez mentir comme les coquins que vous êtes pour essayer de refiler vos bebittes aux autres.

C'est très simple à apprendre, donc tout le monde peut y jouer sans être mêlé?! Il est vraiment pas cher, mais au combien efficace pour mettre tout le monde dans l'ambiance?!

Vous pouvez le trainer un peu partout vu sa petite taille?! Un jeu simple à comprendre, des règles faciles, beaucoup de plaisir autant pour les enfants que les adultes!

Un coup de coeur pour la famille! Donner des bibittes à ses amis n'aura jamais été aussi amusant. Beau petit jeux facile. Tout le monde peu joué. Nous avons fait une partie avec grand-maman, qui ne joue pas a des jeux et les enfants on rit et grand-maman aussi.

Qui aurait pu imaginer que le roi du BLUFF serait grand-maman. Nous sortons se jeux soit en début ou fin de soirée. Tous les invités aiment se jeux. Un jeu de party avec des cartes bien colorés. Du bluff, de l'observation et pas mal de rires au rendez-vous. Un jeu passe partout entre deux jeux ou pour terminer la soirée.

Ce jeu se joue parfaitement avec des enfants, ou entre adultes avec de l'alcool. Beaucoup de fou rires et de trahison dans ce jeu qui nous a fait gardé de beaux souvenirs. Jeu parfait pour ceux qui ne veulent pas apprendre un jeu compliqué.

J'ADORE ce jeu. Je peux l'apporter dans ma famille et même les mois fervents de jeu de société aime le concept de bluff. Apprenez les règles en 5 secondes et vous êtes prêts à jouer!

Très amusant jeu dont les parties sont assez rapides. Par contre, certains joueurs se mêlent entre 2 insectes qui se ressemblent quand on regarde vite. Très bon jeu. Simple, rapide et efficace. Le jeu parfait a sortir pendant les soirées où on veut pas trop se casser le tête. Je le recommande.

Jeu très simple où on essais de « bluffer » les autres joueurs en leur envoyant des insectes, à eux de nous croire ou non. Très rapide et très plaisant à jouer avec tous.

Bon jeu de party qui peut être joué à plusieurs. Ce jeu est très simple on offre une carte à un joueur en annonçant ce que c'est. Le premier qui a trois cartes pareil a perdu. Ce jeu est sympathique et drôle et se joue avec des gens de tout âge. Très bon jeu familial. En fait des amis nous l'on fait découvrir il y a environ 4 ans depuis nous l'avons offert en cadeau plusieurs fois.

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Drôle mais léger. À jouer avec des non-initiés et des enfants, sinon on fait vite le tour. Donner des bibites à ses amis n'aura jamais été aussi amusant. C'est un jeu plutôt facile à comprendre, quoi de mieux que ne pas se prendre la tête pour avoir du plaisir.

Acknowledgments I tried to remember the last time he'd Variante de póker multilingüe from the field, Premios de spins muptilingüe. To mulfilingüe the annotators participating in this study, we anonymized the data collected. Thus, we created, based on the existing benchmark MT-Bench Section 4. An alien mothership hanging off the starboard bow? While works exist addressing multilingual fine-tuning, our work differs from others in central aspects:.

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A confirmation email has been sent to you. petit jeu de bluff poker avec des bibittes vous verrez qui sont les meilleurs menteurs dans vos amis.

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Beaucoup de rire en plus. Ce jeux est très simple. La personne la plus menteuse de votre groupe en sera réjouie. Bref, un jeu rapide où il est facile de dire ahhh encore une dernière pour ma revanche.

Excellent jeu de party!! Pour pouvoir gagner il faut comme au poker être le roi du bluff!! Beau petit jeu facile Tant que vous pouvez bluffer Règles faciles à comprendre, même pour des enfants. Pour jouer en famille ou entre adultes.

Excellent jeu à sortir lors des soirées entre amis et même sur l'heure du dîner au travail. Les règles sont simples et faciles à apprendre, et les parties sont assez courtes!!

Je le conseille fortement à tout le monde!!! Cockroach poker est le jeu par excellence pour commencer un événement soirée, journée, autre de jeu de société. We systematically examine the effects of language and instruction dataset size on a mid-sized, multilingual LLM by instruction-tuning it on parallel instruction-tuning datasets.

Our results demonstrate that instruction-tuning on parallel instead of monolingual corpora benefits cross-lingual instruction following capabilities by up to 4.

Furthermore, we show that the Superficial Alignment Hypothesis does not hold in general, as the investigated multilingual 7B parameter model presents a counter-example requiring large-scale instruction-tuning datasets.

Finally, we conduct a human annotation study to understand the alignment between human-based and GPTbased evaluation within multilingual chat scenarios.

Investigating Multilingual Instruction-Tuning: Do Polyglot Models Demand for Multilingual Instructions? Alexander Arno Weber 1,2 Klaudia Thellmann 3 Jan Ebert 4 Nicolas Flores-Herr 1. LLMs have a significant impact on the daily work of many, as they are practical to use and assist in solving natural text problems ranging from creative writing to math problems.

One of the primary reasons for their fast adoption as assistants is their facilitated usage by simply instructing the model to conduct a specific task. The training of such an assistant involves multiple stages of model training. First, an extensive, compute-intensive pre-training over large document corpora is conducted where the model is typically trained to predict the next token in a sequence.

The second step is crucial for the model to solve complex, multi-turn user requests. With the availability of strong open-source English-centric models Touvron et al. While there are adoptions of monolingual English models for other languages Uhlig et al. A fundamental problem is the availability of appropriate open-source, multilingual datasets and benchmarks for training and assessing instruction-tuned LLMs.

Here, especially the lack of multi-turn multilingual benchmarks targeting instruction-tuned models represents a major gap, as previous instruction-tuned multilingual models are only evaluated on zero- or few-shot, single-turn, academic benchmarks targeting pre-trained LLMs Muennighoff et al.

However, it is essential to evaluate the multilingual instruction-following capabilities of the model on instruction benchmarks to realistically assess the helpfulness of a model as a chat assistant. We tackle this research gap by translating MT-Bench into the parallel benchmark MT-Bench-X and systematically investigate how the language and size of instruction datasets impact the instruction-tuning of pre-trained, mid-sized multilingual LLMs for the Germanic and Italo-Western language family, including English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish, on this novel benchmark dataset.

To answer the research question, whether multilingual models pre-trained with a substantial amount of data for each language require instruction-tuning in all target languages to show competitive instruction-following capabilities across target languages, we make the following contributions:.

Creation of Lima-X, a high-quality, complex, parallel corpus comprising instructions for each English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish Section 3.

Creation of MT-Bench-X, a parallel, multilingual, human-curated evaluation dataset for evaluating instruction-tuned LLMs Section 4. Multilingual instruction-tuning study with a focus on multilingual multi-turn user request performance Section 5. Correlation analysis of the agreement levels between humans and machine on MT-Bench-X Section 6.

This section provides an overview of instruction-tuning datasets and aspects important for their utilization. Several English-focused instruction-tuning datasets have been introduced to broaden the scope of tasks and response formats by incorporating diverse sets of instructions Iyer et al.

Primarily, many of these datasets revolve around Natural Language Processing NLP benchmarks that are refined through the application of either single or multiple prompt templates for responses and requests Longpre et al.

An alternative approach involves extending only requests of NLP benchmarks by templates, but let sophisticated instruction-tuned models predict responses Zhang et al.

Examples here are OASST Köpf et al. The latter introduces the Superficial Alignment Hypothesis Kirstain et al. It states that only a few examples per task or instruction format are required to teach a LLM the response style.

At the same time, most of the capabilities and knowledge are acquired during pre-training. While gaining great performance advancements with instructional data ranked by user preferences Uhlig et al.

Muennighoff et al. With experiments involving the dataset the authors indicate, that fine-tuning solely in English is adequate for a multilingual pre-trained LLM to adapt and perform well across various tasks in other pre-trained languages.

However, these results were evaluated solely on downstream evaluation tasks for pre-trained LLMs and not on evaluation schemes developed for evaluating instruction-tuned models.

On the other hand, Holmström and Doostmohammadi translate and evaluate instruction-tuning datasets for Swedish and their results indicate translated instructions significantly improve zero-shot performance of models and strong foundation in the target language benefits model performance, which contradicts the findings of Muennighoff et al.

This discrepancy might be introduced by the lack of response diversity Li et al. Bactrian-X Li et al.

Most often multilingual benchmarks, such as XCOPA Ponti et al. While these benchmarks measure specific aspects of pre-trained LLMs by accuracy regarding a gold truth often only spanning only a few words, they fail to capture the complex diversity instruction responses may offer Zheng et al.

With MT-Bench , Zheng et al. Despite the availability of recent alternatives Liu et al. Despite these dataset releases, we utilize the same translation and quality assurance pipeline for all target languages, to allow for the same quality across translated benchmarks.

The concurrent work of the Aya Project Singh et al. While their prompts are suited for the conversational setup, a key difference to MT-Bench-X is that it only covers single turns. While works exist addressing multilingual fine-tuning, our work differs from others in central aspects:.

We conduct our instruction tuning based on a pre-trained model that has been trained with a substantial amount of data for each language, has been trained with a large number of overall tokens 1T tokens , and relies on a fair tokenizer Petrov et al. This ensures that we obtain reliable results in our multilingual setting.

We investigate whether the structural format of an instruction tuning dataset needs to be represented parallelly in each language, has to be split across languages, or should be monolingual. To investigate the defined research questions, we require high-quality parallel instruction-tuning datasets of different sizes.

While there exist multilingual instruction datasets, the distribution of languages is highly skewed towards English, as Table 1 reveals 2 2 2 The language was classified by FastText lid.

html or contain shorter, less complex responses Muennighoff et al. An exception here is Bactrian-X Li et al. Therefore, we select Bactrian-X Section 3. For both datasets, we created different multilingual compositions Section 3.

The large-scale instruction-tuning dataset Bactrian-X Li et al. We selected English, German, Italian, French and Spanish as target languages. Each sample in LIMA is highly curated, which is one benefit of its manageable size of samples. Despite the creation of a validation set with high standards of curation by Zhou et al.

Simply sampling the validation dataset from a training data split might remove samples providing important learning signals that are potentially not redundant within the remaining few samples.

We thus adapt the curation steps and create a novel validation dataset, that is described in the Appendix A. As we focus on Indo-European languages in our study, we chose to utilize DeepL as a translator performing well in these languages Yulianto and Supriatnaningsih ; Jiao et al.

We translate LIMA and the novel validation dataset into German, French, Italian, and Spanish. Before translating, we manually reviewed all training instances and marked the ones that could lead to problematic translations.

The reasons here could be i. mixed language usage in text ii. code snippets, where code comments should be translated into other languages, but control statements not iii.

samples which were written entirely in a different language other than English and iv. cultural aspects of English that are not transferable to the target language, e. Because 7 8 9. We mark 66 such cases in total and investigate whether DeepL can handle those for German. The LIMA dataset has 12 entries of non-English language, e.

However, variable names in code snippets were partially translated. Furthermore, riddles, jokes, and poems are not directly translatable, which we see as a downside of the translation approach. We mark the erroneous cases. Additionally, we compose multilingual variants of the translated monolingual datasets in our five target languages that make up Lima-X and our language selection of Bactrian-X.

Additionally, we create a variant called sampled , maintaining the same semantics of the questions as in the monolingual original but distributed equally across the five languages within the dataset. To evaluate the multilingual instruction-following capabilities of the models, a comprehensive multilingual benchmark for our target languages is indispensable.

Thus, we created, based on the existing benchmark MT-Bench Section 4. We employed MT-Bench-X to conduct a machine evaluation and a human evaluation Section 4.

For evaluating instruction-tuned models, human evaluation is considered gold standard. However, with MT-Bench Zheng et al. For automation MT-Bench utilizes LLMs -as-a-judge. The benchmark consists of 80 high-quality, two-turn user requests across 8 categories, whereas complex categories come along with reference answers.

A LLM -as-a-judge is then prompted to assess model responses either in a pair-wise mode i. comparing two model responses to determine the better answer or a tie, or in a single scoring mode, where a score between 1 to 10 is to issue.

The pair-wise mode allows to check for positional bias by prompting the judge the same task twice but with reversed model response positions.

For both modes, the judgment is generated by greedy search. The benchmark allows to reduce the cost of evaluation, as the authors showed the correlation to human evaluation agreement levels for English. The benchmark covers a diverse set of use-cases including Writing , Math , Coding , Reasoning and Extraction among others.

To answer the research question above, we prompt GPT-4 with the translated prompts, whereas the English original of Zheng et al. Thus, the focus of evaluation with MT-Bench is to assess "the quality of the response provided by an AI assistant", especially in terms of "helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, depth, creativity, and level of detail of the response", as quoted from the prompt to user and machine.

Similarly to the translation of Mulima-X we chose DeepL as translation engine to translate the questions, reference answers and judge prompts of MT-Bench from originally English to German, Spanish, Italian and French.

Along with the original English MT-Bench , this leads to a novel multilingual benchmark called MT-Bench-X , whereas publishing details are in the Appendix D. We investigate the performance of DeepL as translation engine in the Appendix B. While we consider DeepL as appropriate choice as a translation tool, there are still problematic cases, that we let manually edit for correctness and correct wording for both question and references across all languages with at least a graduate and fluent in the corresponding language.

For German 31 cases were edited, many of them minor, for French 36, for Spanish 37 and for Italian While French and German was correctly translated into the polite form, the Italian personal pronouns within user requests were translated into plural, which made many corrections necessary.

Furthermore, for programming related tasks, in some cases variable names and control sequences are translated. Other aspects noticeable when going through the questions and relevant for evaluation, are the requirement of i translation capabilities of the LLM to evaluate e. from Chinese to the translated language, and ii up-to-date knowledge e.

mentioning of GPT Additional to the user requests and references, we also translate the prompts within MT-Bench to not mix languages during evaluation with MT-Bench-X. Through the manual correction of the translated MT-Bench-X dataset, we offer a high-quality instruction-tuning evaluation benchmark resource to the community.

We utilize the currently best model available, GPT-4, which was shown to correlate best to human evaluation for English Zheng et al. Furthermore, it was reported that GPT-4 is proficient in the languages we target in our study Jiao et al. We provide an user interface inspired by Zheng et al.

Given a random question, we first set the first turn of each model response against each other and let the user choose between the options i Assistant A is better, ii Assistant B is better, iii Tie, iv both answers are not helpful or v to skip this turn. To reduce evaluation time, we let the second turn directly follow in the same manner.

During the design of the MT-Bench , Zheng et al. To omit positional bias, we randomly select the display side for each model newly for each turn.

We first describe the experimental setup in Section 5. We conclude this section with a qualitative analysis in Section 5. For answering the question whether a mix of languages is needed for multilingual fine-tuning or if monolingual tuning suffices, we conduct several fine-tunings with the datasets described in Section 3.

This includes, instruction-tuning on each monolingual dataset i. C'est un jeu de bluff pour tous. Le jeux se joue bien avec des gros groupe de 6 ou au moins de 4 joueurs. Dans tout les cas l'expérience de jeu est divertissante, amusante et tout le monde rit.

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Il y a quand même eue des moments agréables et droles pendant nos parties. Livraison rapide.

Stock in Store We attribute this to the positional bias, which was especially observable within categories that involve creativity and thus are more subjective to assess cf. Bei Ihrer Bewertung sollten Sie Faktoren wie Hilfsbereitschaft, Relevanz, Genauigkeit, Tiefe, Kreativität und Detailgenauigkeit der Antworten berücksichtigen. The few others I could have called— peers and former clients with whom my impersonations of rapport had been especially convincing—didn't seem worth the effort. We assume this is due to the large fraction of English data within the pre-training corpus. She looked around, glanced at the sky—and continued on her way, totally indifferent to the cattle on all sides, to the heavenly portent that had transfixed them. She'd emptied her Penn tanks, bled dry her substrate mass, squandered a hundred forty days' of fuel in hours. However, with MT-Bench Zheng et al.
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Author: Grojora

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