Category: Jackpot

Misterios revelados Jackpot Explorer

Misterios revelados Jackpot Explorer

Enthusiast Sorpresas impactantes en español "So good, so huge, so clever, so funny, so revelads, so Golpe perfecto en el jardín de Buda. Mr Copplestone's Curiosity Shoppe - Escape Quest Macclesfield, UK. It's a must-play. Top Rooms Top Rooms. Company: Enigmik. The Body Shop - Red Fox Escapes Cambridge, MA, USA.

The awards are a wrap! Congratulations to all our nominees, finalists, and Jackoot. If you would like to contribute next year Misterioa a voter or nominator, we accept new reveladoss year Expolrer. To learn more, visit the TERPECA Voter Portalor follow us Mistterios Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Also, don't miss our new TERPECA Room Finder for a new way to browse all of our honored rooms. The Top Escape Rooms Project is Sorpresas impactantes en español attempt to find the very reveladoz escape rooms in the world by leveraging Misteriios experience of the most experienced Misterlos room enthusiasts in the world.

We serve escape room owners and designers Explirer publicly Misteruos their achievements, and we serve our fellow enthusiasts by providing an international bucket list of the best rooms Sorpresas impactantes en español play.

The top rooms identified Jackpoy this project each year are awarded a Top Escape Rooms Project Enthusiasts' Choice Awardor TERPECAwhich represents the reveladow of the best in the Ex;lorer escape room industry.

The following escape rooms have earned a TERPECA for Top Room. These rooms Misterios revelados Jackpot Explorer out among Reveladox the others reveladdos exemplify the best of what the escape room industry has to offer. If you missed the live results show during Exllorer these results revelasos announced, you can revelaados watch it Jackplt.

For another Misterios revelados Jackpot Explorer to view the results, visit the Jacmpot Room Finder. The Top Escape Rooms Peleas de Boxeo mission to find the best escape rooms Exploter the world revslados clearly Misterio by Expkorer fact that rrvelados TERPECAs currently only Jackpkt and honor rooms and companies that support English-speaking players and are in the countries and regions where such players are likely Jcakpot visit.

We revealdos acknowledge that this approach fails to recognize Esplorer, many world-class escape rooms available rfvelados the world, so here we present a list of some of the most trusted websites reveldaos around the world that offer awards Exploter rankings that we feel can help fill in many of reveladod gaps left rdvelados our approach.

We reveladoz primarily on Explorrr that offer aggregated recommendations, rankings, and Musterios that are derived from the opinions of many, rather than any Mistedios that focus on the rankings Misteroos opinions reveladis a single person or small Jackpof of people.

Note: The Top Reevelados Rooms Project has no official affiliation with any of the websites listed. If you have any suggestions for more websites we should consider for this section, please contact us at admin Alternativas de ingresos sin costo. The Mistetios Escape Rooms Project consists of two reveladps a nomination phase and a ranking phase.

In the nomination phase, which takes place during the Expporer of October each year, pre-approved nominators consisting of enthusiasts that have played or more escape rooms Exporer asked to privately nominate up to 11 rooms that they feel Emociones de juego envolventes be considered in the Planificación de la temporada for best Misyerios the world.

Rooms that won the Top Room award the previous year Misteriios would otherwise be eligible for the current year are revelxdos automatic finalist status and Exploter cannot be nominated. At the conclusion of nominations, the threshold for the number of independent Logros y Victoria Deportiva required to be named a finalist is determined Explorwr the board.

Those rooms that meet or exceed Jsckpot threshold, along Recompensas rápidas satisfactorias the Jackpt finalists Apostar con Confiabilidad above, move on to Phase 2.

Init required 5 nominations Misterios revelados Jackpot Explorer become a finalist, but this number is likely to continue to increase as the project grows. Owners, employees, investors, designers, revelaros, and other direct affiliates of a given escape room or escape room company, past or present, as well as spouses, partners, or family members of any such affiliates, are not allowed to nominate any of the corresponding rooms Jackkpot which they may have a reveladis of rsvelados.

For a room Mistreios be eligible for Misterios revelados Jackpot Explorer, Exploret must be open to the public AND playable in English Mistwrios at least one full month between November 1 of the previous Jakcpot and October 31 of the current year i.

the nomination reveladow. For the complete list of rooms that were nominated in Phase 1, see the Phase 1 Results. In the ranking phase, which takes place during the month of November each year, pre-approved voters consisting of enthusiasts revelaods have Jaackpot or more escape rooms, plus any enthusiasts approved as voters when Apuestas a Medida Exclusivas requirement was lower than are asked to provide a complete, ordered stack Servicio Ruleta eficaz of the rooms Miaterios survived Phase 1.

They are only allowed to rank Msterios that they have played and for which they do not have a potential conflict of interest, as defined in the Jqckpot section. Voters can Mizterios choose not to rank a reveladox that they've played Misteios any reason.

Once again, reevlados, employees, investors, designers, consultants, and other direct affiliates of a given escape room or escape room company, past or present, as well as spouses, partners, or family members of any such affiliates, are not allowed to rank any of the corresponding rooms for which they may have a conflict of interest.

Stack ranks are used for this process rather than numerical ratings because it forces participants to think hard about every entry in their stack, and this approach does not suffer from different people having different calibrations for numerical ratings. Ina total of enthusiasts provided rankings in Phase 2, including of the of those who contributed to Phase 1, and the output of these individual stack ranks provided the input to the final global rankings.

The algorithm for generating a global ranking from a set of partial rankings is subject of substantial academic research and there is no universally agreed-upon method for generating such a result.

TERPECA uses a fairly well-established method that was inspired by an academic paper about ranking college football teams that is itself based on the Perron-Frobenius theorem.

In a nutshell, each stack rank is used to create all possible pairwise comparisons between rooms in that stack rank, and then those are used to create a matrix of scores between rooms using all the direct comparisons from any of the participants.

To make the analogy to the college football analysis, we consider the score of a match between two rooms to be a combination of any direct comparisons that can be made between two rooms and any transitive, secondary comparisons that can be made between a pair of rooms.

A small correction is added using the Wilson score binomial confidence interval to ensure that more confidence is given when more comparisons between the same two rooms are available. Finally, the eigenvector corresponding to the greatest eigenvalue is calculated, and the entries in this eigenvector is used as the score for each room.

The algorithm for exactly how to calculate secondary comparisons and the appropriate relative weighting of those with respect to primary comparisons has changed slightly each year since to improve the ranking to better represent the underlying data. Inan additional change was made to reduce the disproportionate impact made by voters that are ranking significantly more rooms than others, by dividing the weight of a comparison made between two rooms by the square root of the number or rooms ranked by voter making the comparison.

The practical effect of this is to better preserve relative rankings within geographic regions, while still allowing these "superconnector" players to have substantial influence in the relative rankings between such regions. Inanother small change was made to the calculation in that the number of weighted comparisons between two rooms was "reinflated" to the total number of actual comparisons between those two rooms before the Wilson confidence interval correction was calculated.

This improved the quality of the sort order across all metrics, and due to this improvement, there was no post-hoc bubble sort to swap adjacent rooms as was done in The results given by this analysis were studied in detail to verify that the final rankings stood up to careful scrutiny when comparing two rooms to each other based on all the stack ranks that included both, but this data is excluded from the final report because it can be used in some cases to infer individual preferences between rooms.

Suffice it to say that we are quite confident that the outcome here faithfully represents the data provided by those participating in the project. Ultimately this analysis provided an aggregated stack rank of all the rooms in Phase 2, but as always, we only recognize a subset of these as official award winners.

The main reason for this is that the number of nominations needed to reach Phase 2 is a low bar designed to make sure that the very best possible rooms and companies would surely make the list, but it does not guarantee that those that did get nominated actually were significantly better than, say, those that fell one or two nominations short in Phase 1.

Regardless, we still present complete final rankings from the Phase 2 analysis, which you can find in the Phase 2 Results. It should be noted that while there are nominators and voters from many countries and the project continues to grow, there are still some regions that have had far more players than others.

As a result, rooms from some of the less represented countries are limited as to how high on the list they can reach, given that there is a limit to the extrapolation we can do when there is not a lot of comparison data about a given room. We still hope and expect that as rooms from new countries show up on the list, more enthusiasts will play them, and in future years, those regions can find their "proper" place in the rankings.

Second, as the TERPECAs are currently targeted specifically to an English-speaking audience, we acknowledge that the claim of finding the "best rooms in the world" is a bit dubious. As such, until the scope of the project is expanded to include other languages, since we have included a section that highlights the best websites from around the world that provide high-quality awards or rankings in other languages or in regions that are not currently served well by this project.

Finally, even with the changes since to reduce the advantage in voting power for those who can rank the most games, the methodology chosen still has a bias that the more rooms someone has played, the bigger an impact they'll have in the rankings, as they'll be able to provide significantly more comparisons between rooms.

We accept this as a feature, not a bug, as we believe that it is certainly a defensible position that those with more experience be given greater weight in this regard.

For additional information on the methodology and how the project works, visit the TERPECA Voter Portal FAQ. Each nomination means that someone with or more rooms of experience decided to list that room as one of their all time favorite rooms.

The number of independent nominations is shown in parentheses. The rooms that got five or more nominations, or that were winners of a Top Room award last year and were still eligible this year, moved on to Phase 2 as finalists and are shown in bold.

This list should explicitly not be taken to be a meaningful ranking, as the geographic distribution of the participants was not uniform. Montpellier, France 2 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷 Unity - LIVE Corp. Grant [Hallucinations Chimiques chez le Dr. Brown Boyd's Mental Hospital [Dr. pl Wrocław, Poland automatic 🔦🇬🇧🇵🇱 Asylum [Obłęd] - Exit pl Wrocław, Poland 25 😱🇬🇧🇵🇱 Betrayal in Breslau [Zdrada w Breslau] - Exit pl Wrocław, Poland 1 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱 King Arthur's Dungeons [Lochy Króla Artura] - Exit pl Wrocław, Poland 1 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱 Necromancer - Ritual of Death [Nekromanta - Rytuał Śmierci] - Exit pl Wrocław, Poland 4 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱 Prison Escape - Exit Trippolyte's Vestibule [Le Cinéma de M.

Hader Loses! Augustine St. The final room rankings from Phase 2 are shown below. The top rooms have been awarded a TERPECA for Top Room and are shown in bold. Score is the final output of the room ranking analysis.

Players is the number of players that ranked that room. Coverage is the number of other rooms in the list that were directly compared to that room by at least one player. Comps is the total number of comparisons made between that room and all other rooms by all players.

Abstains is the total number of players that played the room, but chose not to rank it. Last Year shows how the room was ranked last year, where "nom" means it was nominated but was not a finalist. Top Room winners are bolded. Note that the numbering only goes to rather thanand this is because rooms that were nominated having multiple entries or versions of the same room were handled differently depending on their specifics.

Each of these are explained in further detail in footnotes below the table. Also note that, as described in the Methodology section, while this data is interesting, we do not claim for this to be the authoritative list of the top rooms in the world, as rooms lower on the list would not necessarily have been ranked this high if other rooms with fewer than the required number of nominations had made it to Phase 2.

Home About the Project The Top Escape Rooms Project is an attempt to find the very best escape rooms in the world by leveraging the experience of the most experienced escape room enthusiasts in the world.

Total Nominations. Top Room Nominees. Top Room Finalists. Total Rooms Played. Top Room Winners. Top Rooms Top Rooms. Molly's Game. Company: Down the Hatch. The Dome. Company: Mama Bazooka. Enthusiast Quote: "The Dome is quite simply, in my opinion, the most fantastically curated slice of escapism you can imagine.

Genuinely some of the most imaginative and well-executed puzzle design, breathtaking transitions and attention to detail I've ever experienced in an escape room; in one word - incredible. Company: Lockhill. When you're old you will keep wondering - "was I really there or was it all a dream"?

: Misterios revelados Jackpot Explorer

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Enthusiast Quote: "A masterclass in slick, sleek puzzle design that just flows. Company: Omescape. Enthusiast Quote: "Robotopia was filled with such moments of delight!

The End. Enthusiast Quote: "If life after death is so much fun, then I'm already looking forward to it. Book, die, enjoy. Paradox Project 3: Το Ωδείον.

Enthusiast Quote: "If an escape room was a poem, this game would be it. Masterful artful execution of storytelling fused with riddles. Petra - El reino perdido. Company: Petra Escape Room.

Enthusiast Quote: "This room is absolutely amazing and the scenes that they recreate are worthy of movies. Non-stop solving amazing puzzles in 2 hours of play. Company: The Curium Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "From start to finish, this escape room provides an experience where the puzzle solving is non-stop but not overwhelming.

It boasts high production values and has a neat internally consistent story. Extraction is a brilliantly paced escape room. Le Prince.

Company: Escaping Belgium. Enthusiast Quote: "The details, the riddles, the music everything fits in this great escape! Tao Room Escape: Japanese Massage Center. Company: Virus Room Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "If you play escape rooms to have fun, this is it. Fun, light-hearted and it leaves you with a smile.

Jason's Legacy. Company: OuterGround Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "Jason's Legacy is the perfect mix between a puzzle and experience room, with a strong story in a beautiful setting.

The Edison Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "Interactive video game fun with tough puzzles and immersive vibes. הוליווד Company: Hype Esc. Enthusiast Quote: "Such a good theme for all nostalgia lovers, accompanied by good puzzles and cool setting.

Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und die weinende Frau. Company: Skurrilum. Enthusiast Quote: "Beautiful room with surprises and great storytelling. Mystic Project.

Company: Mystic Corporation. Enthusiast Quote: "Blend "theatre" and "escape room" and you get "Mystic Project". Company: Escape Center. Enthusiast Quote: "The best escape room in Israel. So much fun, a lot of WOW moments! Powstanie Warszawskie. Company: Black Cat Escape Room.

Enthusiast Quote: "The best and most emotional history lesson I ever had. El hijo del posadero. Company: DragonBorn Escape Room Mad Mansion. Enthusiast Quote: "Early interaction with the actor was very amusing.

Quite a few "wow" moments in room transitions. Had a room reuse that was unexpected and satisfying. Story was satisfying and provided closure.

Company: Criogenic. Enthusiast Quote: "The story is fun, the room is interesting and physical, and the puzzles are satisfying. Company: Dark Vision Project. Enthusiast Quote: "Unbelievable. You must play it!!! Το Σανατόριο Μεσάνυχτα, Νύχτα.

Enthusiast Quote: "I really love horror games and I believed my entire life that nothing can scare me. I changed my mind after this one. The Starlight Motel.

Company: Escape Artist Greenville. Enthusiast Quote: "The best time I've ever had interacting with actors in any capacity. Enthusiast Quote: "A delightful smorgasbord of fast-paced, adorable puzzles. The Storyteller's Secret. Company: Boxaroo.

Storyteller's Secret is uplifting and heartwarming without skimping on quality puzzles or immersive atmosphere. Lab Rat. Company: Hatch Escapes.

Enthusiast Quote: "I played this game in early , and it still holds up as one of my favourite games ever, even after five years and an additional games. Company: Epic Escape.

Enthusiast Quote: "The biggest trick Epic Escape played on us was making us think this would just be an ordinary game in the middle of an industrial zone.

It is not. Believe me. Company: Krematorium Escape Rooms Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "Oh wow, the lighting to create terror is awesome. The Kami Temple. Enthusiast Quote: "Enter this temple at your own risk.

You will need your wits and teammates if you hope to get to its secrets. El loco del callejón. Company: Skp Room. Enthusiast Quote: "It is the escape room that made us feel it was the first time we played. It was also a room that is perfectly made, you don't need any additional clue.

It just flows. The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt. Enthusiast Quote: "The Lost Treasure still tops my list, even 6 years! after I first played it. Dark Lullaby. Enthusiast Quote: "An incredibly immersive room that was as impressive as it was frightening.

I wish that I could go back and play it all over again. The Weeping Witch. Company: Cross Roads Escape Games. Enthusiast Quote: "Very rarely does a horror-based room nail both the puzzles and the scares- but Weeping Witch does.

Percy Pendleton's Peculiar Predicament. Enthusiast Quote: "This room awakened my love for collection style escape rooms. Solving as many well-constructed riddles as you can in your allotted time?

Yes please! Ice Tiki. Company: Way Out Escape Rooms Greece. Enthusiast Quote: "The most fun I ever had in an escape room. Completely different than anything you know. Feels like a playground for adults.

Woman in Black. Company: Coven Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "A jewel of an escape, lovingly crafted and acted by its creators, with whole scenes straight out of a movie. It's an amazing experience, frightening, but terribly enjoyable!

Distrito Company: Unreal Room Escape. Bites Motel. Company: Bite the Fly. Enthusiast Quote: "This experience had, hands down, the best acting I have ever seen in a room. Projet R.

Company: Immersia Escape Games Canada. Enthusiast Quote: "This is the stuff I used to dream about when I first started getting into escape rooms.

A delightful concept executed wonderfully. Company: Escape Room Israel formerly Escape Sign. Enthusiast Quote: "What truly makes this game exceptional is the stunning set design, ingenious puzzles, the professional brilliant actor, the visual effects, and the seamless integration of the Viking theme.

These elements come together to create a complete experience, delivering 60 minutes of pure pleasure. Project Minotaur. Company: Quest Room US. Enthusiast Quote: "Project Minotaur reminded me of what I enjoyed about escape rooms in the first place.

It put me in a different world where I was able to laugh, scream, and run for an hour and a half without any thought about the outside world. The Map Winners Map For a larger version of the map which includes all the finalists, click here.

Awards and Rankings from Around the World Top Regional Sites The Top Escape Rooms Project's mission to find the best escape rooms in the world is clearly limited by the fact that the TERPECAs currently only recognize and honor rooms and companies that support English-speaking players and are in the countries and regions where such players are likely to visit.

Всички стаи maintains listings of escape rooms across Bulgaria including user reviews and ratings. EGA runs an annual awards ceremony celebrating the best games across China , as voted for by their panel of judges drawn from enthusiasts and industry experts.

SI provides a comprehensive list of all escape games in Slovenia. ca provides a database of of all the escape games in Canada , complete with maps, booking schedules, reviews, and aggregated ratings. Escape the Review DE provides reviews and rankings for escape rooms by enthusiasts and bloggers in Germany and surrounding areas.

This is the German version of the UK-based site also mentioned in this section. Escape Room Awards is an annual competition for escape rooms in Spain where a panel of judges, including enthusiasts and owners, choose the best escape rooms across the country.

Escape Room Lover provides a database of escape rooms throughout Spain , including user ratings for each room, organized by location. Escape the Review provides reviews and rankings for escape rooms by enthusiasts and bloggers in the United Kingdom and beyond.

They also maintain the most comprehensive reviews and rankings for play-at-home games available in English around the world. gr lists most of the escape rooms in Greece and provides booking and reviews for them. The Escapers is a community platform that provides aggregated ratings and reviews for all of France that allows users to track, rate, and review all the games they play.

Escaper maintains a ranked list of games in Israel with Escape Certified Ratings, based on ratings given by users of the site. de compiles rankings across various cities and countries in Europe based on rankings from experienced enthusiasts.

At the time of writing it includes rankings for games in Austria , Belgium , Bulgaria , the Czech Republic , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Israel , Italy , Latvia , the Netherlands , Poland , Romania , Slovakia , Spain , Switzerland , and United Kingdom.

They also publish a list of their top remote play games. nl provides reviews and rankings from thousands of users for all the escape rooms in the Benelux region of Belgium , the Netherlands , and Luxembourg.

Korea Institute of Escape Rooms KIER runs the annual Korea Escape Room Awards for the best escape rooms in South Korea as voted on by enthusiasts. pl provides reviews and rankings from thousands of users as well as comprehensive information and booking for all the escape rooms in Poland.

Morty provides reviews, rankings, awards, bookings, and more in the United States , Canada , and many of the major cities in Europe. ir , AllEscape. ir , EscapeZoom. ir , and GoEscape. ir are several useful sites dedicated to escape rooms in Iran that provide services that include booking, reviews, and annual awards.

Methodology Methodology. Phase 1: Nominations In the nomination phase, which takes place during the month of October each year, pre-approved nominators consisting of enthusiasts that have played or more escape rooms are asked to privately nominate up to 11 rooms that they feel should be considered in the conversation for best in the world.

Phase 2: Rankings In the ranking phase, which takes place during the month of November each year, pre-approved voters consisting of enthusiasts that have played or more escape rooms, plus any enthusiasts approved as voters when the requirement was lower than are asked to provide a complete, ordered stack rank of the rooms that survived Phase 1.

General Notes and Caveats It should be noted that while there are nominators and voters from many countries and the project continues to grow, there are still some regions that have had far more players than others.

Phase 1 Results Phase 1 Results. All Rooms Nominated in Phase 1. Note: The TERPECA team has done their best to classify the horror level of each experience using the categories indicated above, however please note that the level of intensity of horror experiences may differ by region and by company, and some experiences may even include significant content with actors and in rare cases, even pain or risk of injury.

Phase 2 Results Phase 2 Results. Molly's Game - Down the Hatch Voorburg, Netherlands. The Dome - Mama Bazooka formerly Escape Room Nederland Bunschoten, Netherlands.

Abandoned Hotel [Opuszczony Hotel] - Exit Wardrobe for Sale [Armoire à Vendre] - Escaparium Laval, QC, Canada. Don't Take a Breath - Verone Athens, Greece. The Saint [La Santa] - Shock Creations Madrid, Spain.

Birth Machine - Mad Machines Milan, Italy. The Man from Beyond - Strange Bird Immersive Houston, TX, USA. Aunt Hilda's Room [La Chambre de Tante Hilda] - Trip Trap Geneva, Switzerland. Stay in the Dark - DarkPark Vlaardingen, Netherlands.

CyberCity - Escape Barcelona Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain. El Exorcista - No Exit Athens, Greece. The Movies Experience 90 minute version - The Push Mystery Rooms Dudzele, Belgium. Outline - Outline Escape Room Cornellá de Llobregat, Spain. The Toy Factory - Torchdale formerly Escaperoom Antwerp Zoersel, Belgium.

The Possession [La posesión] - Arcanum Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Spain. The Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen [L'Île perdue de la Reine Vaudou] - Escaparium Laval, QC, Canada.

Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore [Paradox Project 2: To Βιβλιοπωλείο] - Paradox Project Athens, Greece. Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor [Geisterjäger Brandon Darkmoor] - The Room Berlin, Germany.

Cutthroat Cavern - 13th Gate Escape Baton Rouge, LA, USA. The House [La Casa] - Insomnia Corporation Berga, Spain.

The Dark Forest - Escape Stories - Live Escape Game Wuppertal Wuppertal, Germany. Servants of Sleight - The Exit Games Clearwater, FL, USA. Ghost Patrol - Trivium Games Emeryville, CA, USA. Mogollon Monster - The Nemesis Club Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Mr Copplestone's Curiosity Shoppe - Escape Quest Macclesfield, UK. The Rebellion: Hybrid Bloodline [La Rebelión: Línea de Sangre Híbrida] - Blindhouse Games Bilbao, Spain. Lost and Found - Kamer Volkel, Netherlands. Hope End - The Ministry of Peculiarities Azusa, CA, USA.

Time Machine - Mad Machines Milan, Italy. The Sacrifice - Disappear Escape Rooms Athens, Greece. The Attraction - Palace Games San Francisco, CA, USA. Cube [קיוב] - The Maze Petah Tikva, Israel. Stigmata - Dark Maze Escape Rooms Athens, Greece. Going Underground - Crime Runners Vienna, Austria.

Perfect Shot in Buddha's Garden [Golpe perfecto en el jardín de Buda] - Factoría Escape Room Valencia, Spain. The Brewery [La Cerveseria] - Enigmik Barcelona, Spain. The End - DarkPark Zoetermeer, Netherlands. Paradox Project 3: The Music Academy [Paradox Project 3: Το Ωδείον] - Paradox Project Athens, Greece.

Petra - The Lost Kingdom Full Expedition - min [Petra - El reino perdido expedición completa - min ] - Petra Escape Room Bilbao, Spain 2. Extraction - The Curium Experience Melbourne, Australia. Le Prince - Escaping Belgium Retie, Belgium. Tao Room Escape: Japanese Massage Center - Virus Room Escape Calella, Spain.

The Edison Escape Room - Palace Games San Francisco, CA, USA. Hollywood [הוליווד ] - Hype Esc Tel Aviv, Israel.

Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Wailing Woman [Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und die weinende Frau] - Skurrilum Hamburg, Germany. Mystic Project - Mystic Corporation Athens, Greece. The Intervention [ההתערבות] - Escape Center Rishon LeZion, Israel. Warsaw Uprising [Powstanie Warszawskie] - Black Cat Escape Room Warsaw, Poland.

The Innkeeper's Son [El hijo del posadero] - DragonBorn Escape Room Mad Mansion Vitoria, Spain. The Sanatorium Midnight Mode [Το Σανατόριο Μεσάνυχτα ] - Lockhill Athens, Greece 3. The Starlight Motel - Escape Artist Greenville Greenville, SC, USA. Undercooked - Omescape Sunnyvale, CA, USA.

The Storyteller's Secret - Boxaroo Boston, MA, USA. Lab Rat - Hatch Escapes Los Angeles, CA, USA. Illusion - Epic Escape Waalwijk, Netherlands. The Kami Temple - Escape Center Rishon LeZion, Israel. The Madman in the Alley [El loco del callejón] - Skp Room Valencia, Spain.

The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt - The Room Berlin, Germany. The Weeping Witch - Cross Roads Escape Games Anaheim, CA, USA. Percy Pendleton's Peculiar Predicament - Escape Quest Macclesfield, UK. Petra - The Lost Kingdom Initial Expedition - 90 min played standalone, NOT as part of the min version [Petra - El reino perdido expedición inicial - 90 min jugado de forma independiente, NO como parte de la versión de min ] - Petra Escape Room Bilbao, Spain 2.

Ice Tiki - Way Out Escape Rooms Greece Athens, Greece. Woman in Black - Coven Escape Rooms Athens, Greece. District [Distrito ] - Unreal Room Escape Barcelona, Spain.

Bites Motel - Bite the Fly Madrid, Spain. The Sanatorium Night Mode [Το Σανατόριο Νύχτα ] - Lockhill Athens, Greece 3. The Vikings [הויקינגים] - Escape Room Israel formerly Escape Sign Petah Tikva, Israel. Project Minotaur - Quest Room US Los Angeles, CA, USA. Josep Fontcalda House Museum [Casa Museu Josep Fontcalda] - Escape Room Tona, Spain.

Cursed Expedition [Expedición Maldita] - Mythos Escape Room Murcia, Spain. Gates of Time - Silent Night [Wrota Czasu - Cicha Noc] - TickTack Gliwice, Poland. Haunted House 2: Poltergeist - The Chamber Prague, Czech Republic. Dragon Cave 2. The Alley [Die Gasse] - Rätselraum Ruhrpott Bochum, Germany.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - 13th Hour Escape Rooms Wharton, NJ, USA. Heresy: - Doors of Divergence Brooklyn, NY, USA 1. The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus [Het geheim van Sint-Rumoldus] - De Gouden Kooi Mechelen, Belgium.

Robin Hood [רובין הוד] - Action Game Kfar Saba, Israel. The Amsterdam Catacombs - Logic Locks Amsterdam, Netherlands. Heist Battles [קרב כספות] - The Maze Petah Tikva, Israel. Operation Gryaznayavoda - In Search Of An Exit Portland, OR, USA.

Celestia, the Forgotten City [Celestia, la cité oubliée] - L'Atelier des Énigmes Annecy, France. Dog Night [Noche de perros] - Distrito 7 Pamplona, Spain.

Soup du Jour - Rock City Escape Amersfoort, Netherlands. Harry Potter's Adventures [הרפתקאות הארי פוטר] - Puzzle Box Netanya, Israel. Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death [Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und der Zoo des Todes] - Skurrilum Hamburg, Germany.

Room [Kamer ] - Kamer Volkel, Netherlands. The Mystery of Scum Island - Madness Toledo Escape Room Mad Mansion Toledo, Spain.

Operation: Metro [Operacja: Metro] - Wyjście Awaryjne Bydgoszcz, Poland. Ming's Old Shop [L'échoppe de Madame Ming] - L'Atelier des Énigmes Annecy, France. Los Angeles, CA, USA. Corpse Inc. Safe: The Secret of Jack Daniel [Trezor: Tajemství Jacka Daniela] - The Padlock Prague, Czech Republic.

The Doomed Expedition [L'Expédition Maudite] - One Hour France Paris, France. Henry Fortune's House of Illusion - Escape Quest Macclesfield, UK. The Hidden Chamber - Salzufler Unterwelt The Room Labs Salzuflen, Germany.

The Magician of Paris played standalone, not as part of the Full Experience [Le Magicien de Paris joué seul, pas dans le cadre de Full Experience ] - Deep Inside Paris, France. Chaos in the Galleria - Omescape Sunnyvale, CA, USA. The Concierge [De Conciërge] - Kamer Volkel, Netherlands.

Paranoia [Paranoja] - Tkalnia Zagadek Łódź, Poland. Neptune's Curse [Der Fluch des Neptun] - Hidden Games Hamburg, Germany.

The Amulet [Das Amulett] - 66 Minuten Neuwied, Germany. The Last Supper - Quest Tavern Escape Room Pomona, CA, USA. Blackwell Manor - New Mexico Escape Room Albuquerque, NM, USA.

Escaperoom Groenlo - - Escaperoom Groenlo Groenlo, Netherlands. The Secret Elixir [Das geheime Elixier] - Hidden Games Braunschweig, Germany. Tomb Hunter: Akasha's Legend [Tomb Hunter: La leyenda de Akasha] - Escape Barcelona Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain.

The School of the Burning Souls - LockDown Escape Rooms Greece Athens, Greece. Whitechapel: Charlotte's History [Whitechapel: La historia de Charlotte] - Whitechapel Barcelona, Spain. The Dreamwalkers [Marcheurs de rêves] - Cabinet Mysteriis Québec City, QC, Canada.

The Slaughterhouse [L'Abattoir] - One Hour France Paris, France. Tomb of Anubis - 13th Gate Escape Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Mr Pepper's Toy Shop - The Cipher Room Sydney, Australia. The Mystery of the Deveaux Family [L'Affaire du Manoir Deveaux] - Panik Room Paris, France. Falderon Forest [La Forêt de Falderon] - Sauve Qui Peut Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada.

Trippolyte] - Trip Trap Geneva, Switzerland. The Game - Next Level Escape Australia Sydney, Australia. The Funhouse played standalone, not as part of the Full Experience [Le Palais de l'horreur joué seul, pas dans le cadre de Full Experience ] - Deep Inside Paris, France.

Bermuda: The Secret Never Revealed [Bermudas, el secreto jamás revelado] - Final Code Barcelona, Spain. The Grand Parlor - 13th Hour Escape Rooms Wharton, NJ, USA. Jack the Ripper [ג'ק המרטש] - Escape Room Israel Petah Tikva, Israel.

Battle of Kitchens [קרב מטבחים] - Open The Door Israel Jerusalem, Israel. The Pirates of the Blacktrap [Les Pirates du Blacktrap] - Trapgame Martigny, Switzerland. The Grand Immersia Hotel [Le Grand Immersia Hotel] - Immersia Escape Games Canada Boisbriand, QC, Canada. The Last Dragon [El Último Dragón] - The X-Door Valencia, Spain.

Sea Tales [Morskie Opowieści] - Wyjście Awaryjne Bydgoszcz, Poland. Elkano Escape Room [Elkano Ihes Gela] - Experientziak Getaria, Spain. The Brotherhood of the Shadows [La Hermandad de las Sombras] - Castlemaniacs Mad Mansion Cuarte de Huerva, Spain.

The Secret of Kaos [El secreto de Kaos] - Mente Colmena Rooms Beranga, Spain. An incredible story of Nautilus [Dechberoucí příběh ponorky Nautilus] - MindMaze Prague, Czech Republic. Spellbound - 13th Gate Escape Baton Rouge, LA, USA.

Worm - Metamorfosis Escape Room formerly Unreal Room Escape Esplugues de Llobregat, Spain. Orient Express: The Dead Ride [Orient Express: Die Todesfahrt] - Next Level Escape Switzerland Kloten, Switzerland.

The Observatory - The Gate Escape Leominster, MA, USA. Haunted House - The Chamber Prague, Czech Republic. The Light Stone [La Pierre de lumière] - Masterio Paris, France. The Mixed-Up Mind of Mr Crabheal - Escape from the Room Epsom, UK. Bros for Life: Fraternity Heist - The Escape Ventures Orlando, FL, USA.

Dwarves [Krasnoludy] - Clue Room Poznań Escapelandia Poznań, Poland. The Asylum - 13th Gate Escape Baton Rouge, LA, USA. The Body Shop - Red Fox Escapes Cambridge, MA, USA. Here I Am - Escape Room Katwijk Katwijk, Netherlands. The Marlowe Hotel - The Cipher Room Sydney, Australia. The Hex Room - Cross Roads Escape Games Anaheim, CA, USA.

The Far West [Le Far West] - The Game France Paris, France. The Lost Shipwreck - Crypto Escape Rooms Newmarket, ON, Canada. Murder on the Orient Express [Le Crime de l'Orient-Express] - The One Escape Paris, France.

King Arthur's Dungeons [Lochy Króla Artura] - Exit The Bridge Between - Quest Tavern Escape Room Pomona, CA, USA.

Salutem Medicina Institute [L'Institut Salutem Medicina] - Immersia Escape Games Canada Boisbriand, QC, Canada. Conquest of Troy [Conquista de Troya] - Neverland Escape Spain Barcelona, Spain. Mystery on Lived Street [Mystère à Lived Street] - Escape Dimension Perpignan, France.

Return of the Pharaohs - Paragon Escape Games Mesa, AZ, USA. Abduction 4: Enterprises - Abduction Badalona, Spain. Midwich School [Colegio Midwich] - Silent Town Escape Room Mad Mansion Basauri, Spain. The Forbidden Game [Das verbotene Spiel] - Hidden Games Hamburg, Germany.

Explosives Specialist [Artificiero] - Open Mind Room Escape Barcelona, Spain. Below Zero - Crypto Escape Rooms Newmarket, ON, Canada. Road to the Black Lodge [Camino a la Logia Negra] - La Logia Negra Escape Room Elche, Spain. Ruins: Forbidden Treasure - The Escape Game Nashville, TN, USA.

Secret Subway [Titkos Metró] - E-Exit Budapest, Hungary. Tears of Hekate [Hekates Tränen] - The Code Agency Düsseldorf, Germany. Pudding Lane - TimeTrap Escape Rooms Reading, UK. Captain Spoopy Bones and the Magnificent Quest For Some Other Pirate's Treasure - Doldrick's Escape Room Kissimmee, FL, USA.

Wunderwaffe Operation Quartz - The Escapement UK Broadstairs, UK. The Professor's Disappearance [La desaparición del profesor] - La Cronosfera Agencia del Tiempo Madrid, Spain.

The Secret Of Kryptos [Тайната на Криптос] - Myst Entertainment Sofia, Bulgaria. The Wonders of Agrabah [Las Maravillas de Agrabah] - Unreal Room Escape Barcelona, Spain. Water of Life [Levenswater] - Emmelocked Escape Room Emmeloord, Netherlands.

Pandora's Box - Trapped! Brown Boyd's Nervenheilanstalt] - Timebreak formerly ExitOut Mönchengladbach, Germany. Condemned 2: The Box - NorCal Escape Co. Yuba City, CA, USA. Revolt at Lock Academy [Révolte à la Lock] - Lock Academy Paris, France.

The Search for the Scepter of Light [Die Suche nach dem Zepter des Lichts] - The Code Agency Düsseldorf, Germany. In the Footsteps of the Guardians [Sur les traces des gardiens] - Projet Dédale Toulouse, France. Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo [Wehikuł Czasu - Tajemnica Leonarda] - Exit Inventor's Attic - Escape My Room New Orleans, LA, USA.

The Honeymoon Hotel - DarkPark Zoetermeer, Netherlands. The Extraction - Crypto Escape Rooms Newmarket, ON, Canada. The Live Thriller - Borderlive Concepts Paris, France.

Personality [Osobowość] - Continuum Poznań Poznań, Poland. The Execution - OuterGround Escape Rooms formerly The Escape Room Rijswijk Rijswijk, Netherlands. Panzerknacker - The Art of Stealing [Panzerknacker - Die Kunst des Stehlens] - Limbus Escape Center Krefeld, Germany.

The Explorer's Diary - Hounds Escape Game Experiences Crawley, UK. Gulliver's Travels [מסעות גוליבר] - Sherlocked Israel Rishon LeZion, Israel. Medieval Dungeon [La Mazmorra] - Run Rabbit Valencia, Spain. The Doctor's Cocktail [El Cóctel del Doctor] - Insomnia Corporation Berga, Spain.

Catch Me If You Can - Next Level Netherlands Eindhoven, Netherlands. Nethercott Manor - Tulleys Escape Rooms Crawley, UK. Catacombs [Catacumbas] - Golden Pop Barcelona, Spain.

The Hotel - Riddle Room Australia Canberra, Australia. Galactic Pioneers - MindMaze Prague, Czech Republic. Paradox Project: The Mansion [Paradox Project: Η Έπαυλη] - Paradox Project Athens, Greece. Un personaje que realmente me gusto mucho fue el "Rey padre" excelente el actor JKS magnifico!

muchos no entendieron ese comienzo tan inocente pero era necesario para que se viera el cambio del personaje un cambio que se hace sin que el mismo pierda su esencia.

Todos me gustaron la verdad. Pero coincido con lo de Dam Seo , muy poca participación y cuando pense que algo pasaria Y tambien me olvidaba de ella. Apesar que amo los romances me olvidaba de eso en este drama y lo principal era otra cosa no quiero arruinar el drama para quienes no lo vieron aunque en lo personal amo los spoilers jajaja Quede muy conforme con el drama , y su final fue como decis realista.

Quedé un poco confundida con el rey padre a veces parecía ser bueno y a veces era más malvado que Lee In Jwa pero igual me gustó muchísimo su actuación. Se nota su experiencia. Me encanto el personaje del Rey! Muy realista. Excelente actor! Lamentablemente en esa época el Rey para mantenerse como Rey tenía que ser una "bestia" como In Jwa decía.

Igual que despues paso con el principito , que no hizo cosas muy buenas para ser Rey y mientras fue Rey. u era una lucha de vida o muerte si eras elegible para el trono no solo en corea si no también en monarquías de otras partes del mundo.

Y sip este Rey no fue "bueno" lo que se se dice que buena y noble persona Nunca entendí si Dam Seo llegó a enamorarse de alguno de ellos, o solo le tuvo aprecio a los dos, creí que tal vez iba a quedarse con uno de ellos, al principio ella me llamó la atención por su fuerte personalidad, pero luego ya no le dieron tanta importancia, hasta que murió.

También fue triste ver como mataron al niño hijo de Yeoning , pero creo que lo hizo más real. Páginas Página Principal Top Doramero Reseñas La Señorita Doramera pregunta Kpop.

jueves, 30 de junio de Daebak Jackpot Reseña Final. Hace unos días terminó este fantástico dorama, que nos demostró que Jang Geun Suk es más que una cara bonita Y sin mayor preámbulo les dejo mis comentarios:. Sukkie es de mis actores coreanos favoritos, sin embargo, ya estaba muy encasillado en papeles de chico flor fue muy grato observarlo desde otro ángulo; comenzó siendo un joven audaz aunque inmaduro, pero una serie de desavenencias, secretos y luchas de poder lo orilló a convertirse en un adulto joven muy inteligente, guerrero, capaz de mover masas vaya, todo un líder.

La escena que más nos impactó, sin duda, fue cuando se comió una serpiente real en su lucha por sobrevivir. Mira la escena nuevamente. Como les comenté en las primeras impresiones, apenas estaba asimilando las injusticias que sufrió el personaje de Jung Kwang Ryul en Remember , cuando de repente se transforma en Lee In Jwa, un villano desalmado, hambriento de poder

The Movies Experience 90 minute version. Company: The Push Mystery Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "This room has everything! It has been created with such dedication, love and an unsurpassed eye for detail.

A must-play for every lover of cinema or escape rooms. Company: Outline Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "I haven't slept since. Asylum of Fear. Company: Escape Stories - Live Escape Game Wuppertal.

Enthusiast Quote: "If you want to be a part of the game, you really are in this one. You're not only just «in» the game, you «are» the game. Even if you're scared, you somehow think you can control it — but you can't — and it feels amazing. The Toy Factory. Company: Torchdale formerly Escaperoom Antwerp.

Enthusiast Quote: "This game was truly one-of-a-kind, with unexpected surprises at every corner. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, thanks to its entertaining set and engaging puzzles.

Company: Kadabra Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "What a surprise! You can feel the passion of the creators in this room! The settings are magnificent! The puzzles are truly superb!

La posesión. Company: Arcanum. Enthusiast Quote: "La Posesion is the kind of room that proves that you can have at the same time great acting and horror effects, pretty decors, interesting puzzles, surprises at every corner and beauty all around! L'Île perdue de la Reine Vaudou.

Enthusiast Quote: "This room invites you to take the lead roll in a world class movie level adventure. With an incredible set design at an unbelievable scale, Voodoo leaves even the most seasoned players awestruck from start to finish!

Company: The Exit Games. Enthusiast Quote: "One immersive surprise after the other. It felt very real and was a twisting and turning adventure. Company: Deep Inside. Enthusiast Quote: "This room is probably the most immersive Escape Room experience I've been a part of.

It flows seamlessly, offers so much atmosphere and storytelling like no other. The Alchemist. Company: Sherlocked Netherlands. Enthusiast Quote: "The Alchemist must have worked alchemy to make this room work. You will find your jaw dropping to the floor with the magical puzzles and transitions this room manages to pull off.

Demise of the Gricers. Company: Entered. Paradox Project 2: To Βιβλιοπωλείο. Company: Paradox Project. Enthusiast Quote: "This game feels like it came straight out of a storybook. It's a novel that I never want to reach the end Geisterjäger Brandon Darkmoor. Company: The Room. Enthusiast Quote: "A spooky rollercoaster with near-perfect immersion and fantastic acting.

Company: Neverland Greece formerly Fear of the Dark. Enthusiast Quote: "Excellent set design, very intriguing story based on true facts, cinematographic acting and nice puzzles! Zemsta Umarlaka. Company: DreamScape. Enthusiast Quote: "Arrr! The pirate life is not for the faint-hearted.

The game can be praised for its puzzles, storytelling and humour, simply creating an unforgettable experience. Madness: Company: Doors of Divergence. Enthusiast Quote: "Doors of Divergence is not a must play for enthusiasts. It's a must play TWICE for enthusiasts.

Cutthroat Cavern. Company: 13th Gate Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "The surprises start coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming The hype does not do Cutthroat Cavern the justice it so deserves!

La Casa. Company: Insomnia Corporation. Enthusiast Quote: "You are in the movie…for real! From the location until the acting just perfect. The Dark Forest. Enthusiast Quote: "The Dark Forest has a truly cinematic character and is a thrilling masterpiece.

The opening scene has etched in my mind forever! Servants of Sleight. Company: The Exit Games FL. Enthusiast Quote: "There is only one room that has ever immersed me so wholly that the second I walked in and the door closed behind me, I felt transported.

Everything from set design to the ingenuity of the puzzles was stellar from the second we walked in to The Exit Games. Company: SUSPENSE. Enthusiast Quote: "This is the best acting I have ever seen in an escape room.

A relatively modest, but well decorated set is absolutely carried by the actors that make this experience horrifyingly incredible. Ghost Patrol. Company: Trivium Games.

Enthusiast Quote: "Hauntingly beautiful with a dash of Disney whimsy, this game is equal parts puzzle and charm that is anchored by an emotionally resonant story.

Mogollon Monster. Company: The Nemesis Club. Enthusiast Quote: "What makes Mogollon Monster so great? Everything, from the set design, decor, puzzle flow, immersion, after-game treats and even the lobby theming.

Just, everything about it. Mr Copplestone's Curiosity Shoppe. Company: Escape Quest. Enthusiast Quote: "An utterly delicious puzzle-fest where every beautiful, handmade challenge reveals more and more delights. The gold standard of escape rooms.

La Rebelión: Línea de Sangre Híbrida. Company: Blindhouse Games. Enthusiast Quote: "Making a minute room is challenging, making one that keeps you engaged throughout the full minutes is a triumph. Its mixture of impressive sets and interesting variety of puzzles makes the time fly by.

Company: Open Mind Room Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "After escape rooms, first escape ever where I cried… because of the story… I was afraid about the 11S topic, but Open Mind has been able to respectfully recreate that story, and the ending is very touching.

Tomb Hunter. Company: Finest Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "Climbing and scrambling and puzzling, we enjoyed it! Lost and Found. Company: Kamer Enthusiast Quote: "I have rarely been this moved by a room's story. The passion that has gone into this room is tangible and when it ended, I almost could have cried.

Crazy Train: The Ballad of Skeemin' Plotz. Company: Doldrick's Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The field of high-end escape rooms is filled with serious games and Crazy Train dares to be pure whimsy.

I felt like a child from the second that I set foot in this game and that feeling didn't lift until sometime after I left. Hope End. Company: The Ministry of Peculiarities. Enthusiast Quote: "Hope End pulls you into its world from the moment you walk in the door.

Alternately whimsical, engaging, and slightly spooky, it is a special experience seamlessly blending live characters with a great all around room. Kaleidoskop Company: Time Maze. Enthusiast Quote: "With its beautiful and deeply immersive set and some innovative game elements, Kaleidoskop is pure fun to experience.

You never quite know what to expect next, and yet the whole game feels just so naturally coherent. Time Machine. Enthusiast Quote: "Time Machine is a beautiful epic escape quest through time with a touch of humor, thanks to the professor!

Company: Spookey Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "Stunning cinematography.. Leaves you speechless all the time. Wanted: Dead or Alive. Enthusiast Quote: "I never laughed so hard in an escape room as in this one. The acting is incredible, the sets looks so good and the interaction made everything even better.

I love a good ol' western theme, but this one is on another level. Inmortum 2. Company: Hostal Enthusiast Quote: "These guys are absolutely amazing in terms of creating original and never seen games. They also make you laugh in their rooms, even if those are scary ones.

Don't let them stop creating! The Sacrifice. Company: Disappear Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "What these people have built in there cannot be described in words. It is not a room, it is an entire village. The Attraction. Company: Palace Games. Enthusiast Quote: "The most cerebral escape room I've ever done.

This room will make you think and not just about the puzzles. Company: The Maze. Enthusiast Quote: "A very authentic experience, with the troubling cube-shaped rooms, primal numbers and the constant feeling you are about to die Company: Dark Maze Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "An old-school horror movie coming to life.

The scenes are remarkable, scary and top quality. Going Underground. Company: Crime Runners. Enthusiast Quote: "In this game, traversal through the immersive space is a highlight that's unmatched by contemporary games. Golpe perfecto en el jardín de Buda. Company: Factoría Escape Room.

Enthusiast Quote: "The plot and the adrenaline present are one of the best. The games are very well integrated, and the decoration is very realistic. We had many moments of tension and laughter. La Cervesería. Company: Enigmik. Enthusiast Quote: "A masterclass in slick, sleek puzzle design that just flows.

Company: Omescape. Enthusiast Quote: "Robotopia was filled with such moments of delight! The End. Enthusiast Quote: "If life after death is so much fun, then I'm already looking forward to it. Book, die, enjoy. Paradox Project 3: Το Ωδείον.

Enthusiast Quote: "If an escape room was a poem, this game would be it. Masterful artful execution of storytelling fused with riddles.

Petra - El reino perdido. Company: Petra Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "This room is absolutely amazing and the scenes that they recreate are worthy of movies.

Non-stop solving amazing puzzles in 2 hours of play. Company: The Curium Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "From start to finish, this escape room provides an experience where the puzzle solving is non-stop but not overwhelming. It boasts high production values and has a neat internally consistent story.

Extraction is a brilliantly paced escape room. Le Prince. Company: Escaping Belgium. Enthusiast Quote: "The details, the riddles, the music everything fits in this great escape!

Tao Room Escape: Japanese Massage Center. Company: Virus Room Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "If you play escape rooms to have fun, this is it. Fun, light-hearted and it leaves you with a smile. Jason's Legacy. Company: OuterGround Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "Jason's Legacy is the perfect mix between a puzzle and experience room, with a strong story in a beautiful setting.

The Edison Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "Interactive video game fun with tough puzzles and immersive vibes. הוליווד Company: Hype Esc. Enthusiast Quote: "Such a good theme for all nostalgia lovers, accompanied by good puzzles and cool setting. Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und die weinende Frau.

Company: Skurrilum. Enthusiast Quote: "Beautiful room with surprises and great storytelling. Mystic Project. Company: Mystic Corporation.

Enthusiast Quote: "Blend "theatre" and "escape room" and you get "Mystic Project". Company: Escape Center. Enthusiast Quote: "The best escape room in Israel.

So much fun, a lot of WOW moments! Powstanie Warszawskie. Company: Black Cat Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The best and most emotional history lesson I ever had. El hijo del posadero.

Company: DragonBorn Escape Room Mad Mansion. Enthusiast Quote: "Early interaction with the actor was very amusing. Quite a few "wow" moments in room transitions. Had a room reuse that was unexpected and satisfying. Story was satisfying and provided closure. Company: Criogenic.

Enthusiast Quote: "The story is fun, the room is interesting and physical, and the puzzles are satisfying. Company: Dark Vision Project. Enthusiast Quote: "Unbelievable. You must play it!!! Το Σανατόριο Μεσάνυχτα, Νύχτα. Enthusiast Quote: "I really love horror games and I believed my entire life that nothing can scare me.

I changed my mind after this one. The Starlight Motel. Company: Escape Artist Greenville. Enthusiast Quote: "The best time I've ever had interacting with actors in any capacity. Enthusiast Quote: "A delightful smorgasbord of fast-paced, adorable puzzles.

The Storyteller's Secret. Company: Boxaroo. Storyteller's Secret is uplifting and heartwarming without skimping on quality puzzles or immersive atmosphere.

Lab Rat. Company: Hatch Escapes. Enthusiast Quote: "I played this game in early , and it still holds up as one of my favourite games ever, even after five years and an additional games. Company: Epic Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "The biggest trick Epic Escape played on us was making us think this would just be an ordinary game in the middle of an industrial zone.

It is not. Believe me. Company: Krematorium Escape Rooms Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "Oh wow, the lighting to create terror is awesome. The Kami Temple. Enthusiast Quote: "Enter this temple at your own risk. You will need your wits and teammates if you hope to get to its secrets.

El loco del callejón. Company: Skp Room. Enthusiast Quote: "It is the escape room that made us feel it was the first time we played. It was also a room that is perfectly made, you don't need any additional clue.

It just flows. The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt. Yo adoro a JKS asi que iba a verlo de todas maneras pero , me enganche realmente desde los trailers y aunque en los primeros capis no aparece JKS solo al inicio una toma genial t cuenta el pasado y ya alli quedas intrigada.

Un personaje que realmente me gusto mucho fue el "Rey padre" excelente el actor JKS magnifico! muchos no entendieron ese comienzo tan inocente pero era necesario para que se viera el cambio del personaje un cambio que se hace sin que el mismo pierda su esencia. Todos me gustaron la verdad.

Pero coincido con lo de Dam Seo , muy poca participación y cuando pense que algo pasaria Y tambien me olvidaba de ella. Apesar que amo los romances me olvidaba de eso en este drama y lo principal era otra cosa no quiero arruinar el drama para quienes no lo vieron aunque en lo personal amo los spoilers jajaja Quede muy conforme con el drama , y su final fue como decis realista.

Quedé un poco confundida con el rey padre a veces parecía ser bueno y a veces era más malvado que Lee In Jwa pero igual me gustó muchísimo su actuación. Se nota su experiencia. Me encanto el personaje del Rey! Muy realista. Excelente actor! Lamentablemente en esa época el Rey para mantenerse como Rey tenía que ser una "bestia" como In Jwa decía.

Igual que despues paso con el principito , que no hizo cosas muy buenas para ser Rey y mientras fue Rey. u era una lucha de vida o muerte si eras elegible para el trono no solo en corea si no también en monarquías de otras partes del mundo. Y sip este Rey no fue "bueno" lo que se se dice que buena y noble persona Nunca entendí si Dam Seo llegó a enamorarse de alguno de ellos, o solo le tuvo aprecio a los dos, creí que tal vez iba a quedarse con uno de ellos, al principio ella me llamó la atención por su fuerte personalidad, pero luego ya no le dieron tanta importancia, hasta que murió.

Company: Blindhouse Games. Enthusiast Quote: "Making a minute room is challenging, making one that keeps you engaged throughout the full minutes is a triumph.

Its mixture of impressive sets and interesting variety of puzzles makes the time fly by. Company: Open Mind Room Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "After escape rooms, first escape ever where I cried… because of the story… I was afraid about the 11S topic, but Open Mind has been able to respectfully recreate that story, and the ending is very touching.

Tomb Hunter. Company: Finest Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "Climbing and scrambling and puzzling, we enjoyed it! Lost and Found. Company: Kamer Enthusiast Quote: "I have rarely been this moved by a room's story. The passion that has gone into this room is tangible and when it ended, I almost could have cried.

Crazy Train: The Ballad of Skeemin' Plotz. Company: Doldrick's Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The field of high-end escape rooms is filled with serious games and Crazy Train dares to be pure whimsy. I felt like a child from the second that I set foot in this game and that feeling didn't lift until sometime after I left.

Hope End. Company: The Ministry of Peculiarities. Enthusiast Quote: "Hope End pulls you into its world from the moment you walk in the door. Alternately whimsical, engaging, and slightly spooky, it is a special experience seamlessly blending live characters with a great all around room.

Kaleidoskop Company: Time Maze. Enthusiast Quote: "With its beautiful and deeply immersive set and some innovative game elements, Kaleidoskop is pure fun to experience.

You never quite know what to expect next, and yet the whole game feels just so naturally coherent. Time Machine. Enthusiast Quote: "Time Machine is a beautiful epic escape quest through time with a touch of humor, thanks to the professor! Company: Spookey Escape.

Enthusiast Quote: "Stunning cinematography.. Leaves you speechless all the time. Wanted: Dead or Alive. Enthusiast Quote: "I never laughed so hard in an escape room as in this one. The acting is incredible, the sets looks so good and the interaction made everything even better.

I love a good ol' western theme, but this one is on another level. Inmortum 2. Company: Hostal Enthusiast Quote: "These guys are absolutely amazing in terms of creating original and never seen games.

They also make you laugh in their rooms, even if those are scary ones. Don't let them stop creating! The Sacrifice. Company: Disappear Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "What these people have built in there cannot be described in words. It is not a room, it is an entire village. The Attraction. Company: Palace Games.

Enthusiast Quote: "The most cerebral escape room I've ever done. This room will make you think and not just about the puzzles. Company: The Maze. Enthusiast Quote: "A very authentic experience, with the troubling cube-shaped rooms, primal numbers and the constant feeling you are about to die Company: Dark Maze Escape Rooms.

Enthusiast Quote: "An old-school horror movie coming to life. The scenes are remarkable, scary and top quality. Going Underground. Company: Crime Runners. Enthusiast Quote: "In this game, traversal through the immersive space is a highlight that's unmatched by contemporary games.

Golpe perfecto en el jardín de Buda. Company: Factoría Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The plot and the adrenaline present are one of the best. The games are very well integrated, and the decoration is very realistic. We had many moments of tension and laughter.

La Cervesería. Company: Enigmik. Enthusiast Quote: "A masterclass in slick, sleek puzzle design that just flows. Company: Omescape. Enthusiast Quote: "Robotopia was filled with such moments of delight! The End. Enthusiast Quote: "If life after death is so much fun, then I'm already looking forward to it.

Book, die, enjoy. Paradox Project 3: Το Ωδείον. Enthusiast Quote: "If an escape room was a poem, this game would be it. Masterful artful execution of storytelling fused with riddles.

Petra - El reino perdido. Company: Petra Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "This room is absolutely amazing and the scenes that they recreate are worthy of movies. Non-stop solving amazing puzzles in 2 hours of play.

Company: The Curium Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "From start to finish, this escape room provides an experience where the puzzle solving is non-stop but not overwhelming.

It boasts high production values and has a neat internally consistent story. Extraction is a brilliantly paced escape room. Le Prince.

Company: Escaping Belgium. Enthusiast Quote: "The details, the riddles, the music everything fits in this great escape! Tao Room Escape: Japanese Massage Center. Company: Virus Room Escape.

Enthusiast Quote: "If you play escape rooms to have fun, this is it. Fun, light-hearted and it leaves you with a smile. Jason's Legacy. Company: OuterGround Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "Jason's Legacy is the perfect mix between a puzzle and experience room, with a strong story in a beautiful setting.

The Edison Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "Interactive video game fun with tough puzzles and immersive vibes. הוליווד Company: Hype Esc. Enthusiast Quote: "Such a good theme for all nostalgia lovers, accompanied by good puzzles and cool setting.

Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und die weinende Frau. Company: Skurrilum. Enthusiast Quote: "Beautiful room with surprises and great storytelling. Mystic Project. Company: Mystic Corporation. Enthusiast Quote: "Blend "theatre" and "escape room" and you get "Mystic Project".

Company: Escape Center. Enthusiast Quote: "The best escape room in Israel. So much fun, a lot of WOW moments! Powstanie Warszawskie. Company: Black Cat Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The best and most emotional history lesson I ever had. El hijo del posadero. Company: DragonBorn Escape Room Mad Mansion.

Enthusiast Quote: "Early interaction with the actor was very amusing. Quite a few "wow" moments in room transitions. Had a room reuse that was unexpected and satisfying.

Story was satisfying and provided closure. Company: Criogenic. Enthusiast Quote: "The story is fun, the room is interesting and physical, and the puzzles are satisfying. Company: Dark Vision Project. Enthusiast Quote: "Unbelievable. You must play it!!! Το Σανατόριο Μεσάνυχτα, Νύχτα.

Enthusiast Quote: "I really love horror games and I believed my entire life that nothing can scare me. I changed my mind after this one. The Starlight Motel. Company: Escape Artist Greenville. Enthusiast Quote: "The best time I've ever had interacting with actors in any capacity.

Enthusiast Quote: "A delightful smorgasbord of fast-paced, adorable puzzles. The Storyteller's Secret. Company: Boxaroo. Storyteller's Secret is uplifting and heartwarming without skimping on quality puzzles or immersive atmosphere. Lab Rat. Company: Hatch Escapes. Enthusiast Quote: "I played this game in early , and it still holds up as one of my favourite games ever, even after five years and an additional games.

Company: Epic Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "The biggest trick Epic Escape played on us was making us think this would just be an ordinary game in the middle of an industrial zone. It is not. Believe me. Company: Krematorium Escape Rooms Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "Oh wow, the lighting to create terror is awesome.

The Kami Temple. Enthusiast Quote: "Enter this temple at your own risk. You will need your wits and teammates if you hope to get to its secrets.

El loco del callejón. Company: Skp Room. Enthusiast Quote: "It is the escape room that made us feel it was the first time we played. It was also a room that is perfectly made, you don't need any additional clue. It just flows.

The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt. Enthusiast Quote: "The Lost Treasure still tops my list, even 6 years!

after I first played it. Dark Lullaby. Enthusiast Quote: "An incredibly immersive room that was as impressive as it was frightening. I wish that I could go back and play it all over again. The Weeping Witch. Company: Cross Roads Escape Games. Enthusiast Quote: "Very rarely does a horror-based room nail both the puzzles and the scares- but Weeping Witch does.

Percy Pendleton's Peculiar Predicament. Enthusiast Quote: "This room awakened my love for collection style escape rooms. Solving as many well-constructed riddles as you can in your allotted time? Yes please! Ice Tiki. Company: Way Out Escape Rooms Greece. Enthusiast Quote: "The most fun I ever had in an escape room.

Completely different than anything you know. Feels like a playground for adults. Woman in Black. Company: Coven Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "A jewel of an escape, lovingly crafted and acted by its creators, with whole scenes straight out of a movie. It's an amazing experience, frightening, but terribly enjoyable!

Distrito Company: Unreal Room Escape. Bites Motel. Company: Bite the Fly. Enthusiast Quote: "This experience had, hands down, the best acting I have ever seen in a room. Projet R. Company: Immersia Escape Games Canada. Enthusiast Quote: "This is the stuff I used to dream about when I first started getting into escape rooms.

A delightful concept executed wonderfully. Company: Escape Room Israel formerly Escape Sign. Enthusiast Quote: "What truly makes this game exceptional is the stunning set design, ingenious puzzles, the professional brilliant actor, the visual effects, and the seamless integration of the Viking theme.

These elements come together to create a complete experience, delivering 60 minutes of pure pleasure. Project Minotaur.

Company: Quest Room US. Enthusiast Quote: "Project Minotaur reminded me of what I enjoyed about escape rooms in the first place. It put me in a different world where I was able to laugh, scream, and run for an hour and a half without any thought about the outside world.

The Map Winners Map For a larger version of the map which includes all the finalists, click here. Awards and Rankings from Around the World Top Regional Sites The Top Escape Rooms Project's mission to find the best escape rooms in the world is clearly limited by the fact that the TERPECAs currently only recognize and honor rooms and companies that support English-speaking players and are in the countries and regions where such players are likely to visit.

Всички стаи maintains listings of escape rooms across Bulgaria including user reviews and ratings. EGA runs an annual awards ceremony celebrating the best games across China , as voted for by their panel of judges drawn from enthusiasts and industry experts.

SI provides a comprehensive list of all escape games in Slovenia. ca provides a database of of all the escape games in Canada , complete with maps, booking schedules, reviews, and aggregated ratings.

Escape the Review DE provides reviews and rankings for escape rooms by enthusiasts and bloggers in Germany and surrounding areas. This is the German version of the UK-based site also mentioned in this section.

Escape Room Awards is an annual competition for escape rooms in Spain where a panel of judges, including enthusiasts and owners, choose the best escape rooms across the country.

Escape Room Lover provides a database of escape rooms throughout Spain , including user ratings for each room, organized by location. Escape the Review provides reviews and rankings for escape rooms by enthusiasts and bloggers in the United Kingdom and beyond. They also maintain the most comprehensive reviews and rankings for play-at-home games available in English around the world.

gr lists most of the escape rooms in Greece and provides booking and reviews for them. The Escapers is a community platform that provides aggregated ratings and reviews for all of France that allows users to track, rate, and review all the games they play.

Escaper maintains a ranked list of games in Israel with Escape Certified Ratings, based on ratings given by users of the site. de compiles rankings across various cities and countries in Europe based on rankings from experienced enthusiasts. At the time of writing it includes rankings for games in Austria , Belgium , Bulgaria , the Czech Republic , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Israel , Italy , Latvia , the Netherlands , Poland , Romania , Slovakia , Spain , Switzerland , and United Kingdom.

They also publish a list of their top remote play games. nl provides reviews and rankings from thousands of users for all the escape rooms in the Benelux region of Belgium , the Netherlands , and Luxembourg.

Korea Institute of Escape Rooms KIER runs the annual Korea Escape Room Awards for the best escape rooms in South Korea as voted on by enthusiasts.

pl provides reviews and rankings from thousands of users as well as comprehensive information and booking for all the escape rooms in Poland. Morty provides reviews, rankings, awards, bookings, and more in the United States , Canada , and many of the major cities in Europe.

ir , AllEscape. ir , EscapeZoom. ir , and GoEscape. ir are several useful sites dedicated to escape rooms in Iran that provide services that include booking, reviews, and annual awards.

Methodology Methodology. Phase 1: Nominations In the nomination phase, which takes place during the month of October each year, pre-approved nominators consisting of enthusiasts that have played or more escape rooms are asked to privately nominate up to 11 rooms that they feel should be considered in the conversation for best in the world.

Phase 2: Rankings In the ranking phase, which takes place during the month of November each year, pre-approved voters consisting of enthusiasts that have played or more escape rooms, plus any enthusiasts approved as voters when the requirement was lower than are asked to provide a complete, ordered stack rank of the rooms that survived Phase 1.

General Notes and Caveats It should be noted that while there are nominators and voters from many countries and the project continues to grow, there are still some regions that have had far more players than others.

Phase 1 Results Phase 1 Results. All Rooms Nominated in Phase 1. Note: The TERPECA team has done their best to classify the horror level of each experience using the categories indicated above, however please note that the level of intensity of horror experiences may differ by region and by company, and some experiences may even include significant content with actors and in rare cases, even pain or risk of injury.

Phase 2 Results Phase 2 Results. Molly's Game - Down the Hatch Voorburg, Netherlands. The Dome - Mama Bazooka formerly Escape Room Nederland Bunschoten, Netherlands. Abandoned Hotel [Opuszczony Hotel] - Exit Wardrobe for Sale [Armoire à Vendre] - Escaparium Laval, QC, Canada.

Don't Take a Breath - Verone Athens, Greece. The Saint [La Santa] - Shock Creations Madrid, Spain. Birth Machine - Mad Machines Milan, Italy. The Man from Beyond - Strange Bird Immersive Houston, TX, USA.

Aunt Hilda's Room [La Chambre de Tante Hilda] - Trip Trap Geneva, Switzerland. Stay in the Dark - DarkPark Vlaardingen, Netherlands. CyberCity - Escape Barcelona Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain. El Exorcista - No Exit Athens, Greece. The Movies Experience 90 minute version - The Push Mystery Rooms Dudzele, Belgium.

Outline - Outline Escape Room Cornellá de Llobregat, Spain. The Toy Factory - Torchdale formerly Escaperoom Antwerp Zoersel, Belgium. The Possession [La posesión] - Arcanum Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Spain. The Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen [L'Île perdue de la Reine Vaudou] - Escaparium Laval, QC, Canada.

También síguenos en Google+ Enthusiast Quote: "The best and most emotional history lesson I ever had. Company: Verone. Enthusiast Quote: "Oh wow, the lighting to create terror is awesome. ca provides a database of of all the escape games in Canada , complete with maps, booking schedules, reviews, and aggregated ratings. Perfect Shot in Buddha's Garden [Golpe perfecto en el jardín de Buda] - Factoría Escape Room Valencia, Spain.
2023 Top Rooms You never quite know what to expect next, and yet the whole game feels just so naturally coherent. Company: Entered. Mission 53 [Mise 53] - The Padlock Prague, Czech Republic. pl Wrocław, Poland 4 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱 Prison Escape - Exit Enthusiast Quote: "If you play escape rooms to have fun, this is it. Company: Quest Room US.
2023 Top Rooms

De wraak van Han. Company: De Gouden Kooi. Enthusiast Quote: "So good, so huge, so clever, so funny, so amazing, so pl Wrocław, Poland. Opuszczony Hotel. Company: Exit Enthusiast Quote: "Still the greatest and most surprising room I've ever played! I loved it because it's intense, without being too scary.

For me the best mixture of immersion, puzzles, atmosphere and fun! Armoire à Vendre. Enthusiast Quote: "Wardrobe for For Sale does things I always wanted to see in a room, but didn't think were possible. Don't Take a Breath. Company: Verone. Enthusiast Quote: "You can call it an horror game.

You can call it an action experience. Just don't call it out loud, he can hear you. La Taberna. Company: The City Escape Room Elements Escape Rooms, Vortex Escape.

Enthusiast Quote: "La Taberna keeps building in spectacle and wonder, with fantastic gameplay alongside mindblowing discovery. La Santa. Company: Shock Creations. Enthusiast Quote: "A true clinic how real horror should be done. Great story and evolution of characters, incredible set, amazing special effects, incredible ending.

La Peluquería. Company: The X-Door. Enthusiast Quote: "Crazily fun, with the best riddles I have seen in a long time. On top of that, some great acting combined with several humoristic moments. Lots of laughs. The Non Believers. Company: Your Escape.

Enthusiast Quote: "This is unparalleled storytelling without ever compromising on puzzles. I felt like a kid going on a trip to Disneyland. La Maison de Tonton Cornélius. Company: Trip Trap. Enthusiast Quote: "A masterclass in rich storytelling and adventure.

The Trip Trap team have created another sublime fairy tale, full of charm, whimsy and character. Der Spielzeugmacher. Company: Big Break Hamburg. Enthusiast Quote: "In every second you feel the love that the creators put into the setting and the game. All puzzles or tasks are incredibly fun and make everyone involved become children again Birth Machine.

Company: Mad Machines. Enthusiast Quote: "You will laugh and laugh, then laugh some more! Absolutely brilliant! The Man from Beyond.

Company: Strange Bird Immersive. Enthusiast Quote: "Lots of escape rooms do tension and an increasing number of them are doing comedy, but The Man from Beyond is the only one that truly nails EMOTION. La Chambre de Tante Hilda. Enthusiast Quote: "I think this game is the experience everyone person wants to live in their childhood.

The moment the game "begins," it's hard to solve puzzles because you are awestruck by a set Disney would be jealous of. Stay in the Dark. Company: DarkPark. Huge, epic, and incredibly memorable. CyberCity Company: Escape Barcelona. Enthusiast Quote: "An exciting and breathtaking experience - you feel like a character in a real life video game!

A thrilling combination of smart puzzles, gorgeous scenarios, technology, fun interaction and adrenaline! El Exorcista. Company: No Exit. Enthusiast Quote: "If you like horror games - this is the one to play! Amazing - we're still trying to figure out how they did it all and still have no clue.

Lethal Decision 2: Hell Awaits. Company: EscapeClue. Enthusiast Quote: "This sequel exceeds its predecessor in every way, the puzzles, the production, and the scares are bigger and better. It's a must-play. The Movies Experience 90 minute version. Company: The Push Mystery Rooms.

Enthusiast Quote: "This room has everything! It has been created with such dedication, love and an unsurpassed eye for detail. A must-play for every lover of cinema or escape rooms.

Company: Outline Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "I haven't slept since. Asylum of Fear. Company: Escape Stories - Live Escape Game Wuppertal. Enthusiast Quote: "If you want to be a part of the game, you really are in this one.

You're not only just «in» the game, you «are» the game. Even if you're scared, you somehow think you can control it — but you can't — and it feels amazing. The Toy Factory. Company: Torchdale formerly Escaperoom Antwerp.

Enthusiast Quote: "This game was truly one-of-a-kind, with unexpected surprises at every corner. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, thanks to its entertaining set and engaging puzzles. Company: Kadabra Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "What a surprise! You can feel the passion of the creators in this room!

The settings are magnificent! The puzzles are truly superb! La posesión. Company: Arcanum. Enthusiast Quote: "La Posesion is the kind of room that proves that you can have at the same time great acting and horror effects, pretty decors, interesting puzzles, surprises at every corner and beauty all around!

L'Île perdue de la Reine Vaudou. Enthusiast Quote: "This room invites you to take the lead roll in a world class movie level adventure. With an incredible set design at an unbelievable scale, Voodoo leaves even the most seasoned players awestruck from start to finish! Company: The Exit Games.

Enthusiast Quote: "One immersive surprise after the other. It felt very real and was a twisting and turning adventure. Company: Deep Inside. Enthusiast Quote: "This room is probably the most immersive Escape Room experience I've been a part of.

It flows seamlessly, offers so much atmosphere and storytelling like no other. The Alchemist. Company: Sherlocked Netherlands. Enthusiast Quote: "The Alchemist must have worked alchemy to make this room work. You will find your jaw dropping to the floor with the magical puzzles and transitions this room manages to pull off.

Demise of the Gricers. Company: Entered. Paradox Project 2: To Βιβλιοπωλείο. Company: Paradox Project. Enthusiast Quote: "This game feels like it came straight out of a storybook.

It's a novel that I never want to reach the end Geisterjäger Brandon Darkmoor. Company: The Room. Enthusiast Quote: "A spooky rollercoaster with near-perfect immersion and fantastic acting.

Company: Neverland Greece formerly Fear of the Dark. Enthusiast Quote: "Excellent set design, very intriguing story based on true facts, cinematographic acting and nice puzzles!

Zemsta Umarlaka. Company: DreamScape. Enthusiast Quote: "Arrr! The pirate life is not for the faint-hearted. The game can be praised for its puzzles, storytelling and humour, simply creating an unforgettable experience. Madness: Company: Doors of Divergence. Enthusiast Quote: "Doors of Divergence is not a must play for enthusiasts.

It's a must play TWICE for enthusiasts. Cutthroat Cavern. Company: 13th Gate Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "The surprises start coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming The hype does not do Cutthroat Cavern the justice it so deserves!

La Casa. Company: Insomnia Corporation. Enthusiast Quote: "You are in the movie…for real! From the location until the acting just perfect. The Dark Forest. Enthusiast Quote: "The Dark Forest has a truly cinematic character and is a thrilling masterpiece. The opening scene has etched in my mind forever!

Servants of Sleight. Company: The Exit Games FL. Enthusiast Quote: "There is only one room that has ever immersed me so wholly that the second I walked in and the door closed behind me, I felt transported. Everything from set design to the ingenuity of the puzzles was stellar from the second we walked in to The Exit Games.

Company: SUSPENSE. Enthusiast Quote: "This is the best acting I have ever seen in an escape room. A relatively modest, but well decorated set is absolutely carried by the actors that make this experience horrifyingly incredible.

Ghost Patrol. Company: Trivium Games. Enthusiast Quote: "Hauntingly beautiful with a dash of Disney whimsy, this game is equal parts puzzle and charm that is anchored by an emotionally resonant story.

Mogollon Monster. Company: The Nemesis Club. Enthusiast Quote: "What makes Mogollon Monster so great? Everything, from the set design, decor, puzzle flow, immersion, after-game treats and even the lobby theming.

Just, everything about it. Mr Copplestone's Curiosity Shoppe. Company: Escape Quest. Enthusiast Quote: "An utterly delicious puzzle-fest where every beautiful, handmade challenge reveals more and more delights.

The gold standard of escape rooms. La Rebelión: Línea de Sangre Híbrida. Company: Blindhouse Games. Enthusiast Quote: "Making a minute room is challenging, making one that keeps you engaged throughout the full minutes is a triumph.

Its mixture of impressive sets and interesting variety of puzzles makes the time fly by. Company: Open Mind Room Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "After escape rooms, first escape ever where I cried… because of the story… I was afraid about the 11S topic, but Open Mind has been able to respectfully recreate that story, and the ending is very touching.

Tomb Hunter. Company: Finest Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "Climbing and scrambling and puzzling, we enjoyed it! Lost and Found. Company: Kamer Enthusiast Quote: "I have rarely been this moved by a room's story.

The passion that has gone into this room is tangible and when it ended, I almost could have cried. Crazy Train: The Ballad of Skeemin' Plotz. Company: Doldrick's Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The field of high-end escape rooms is filled with serious games and Crazy Train dares to be pure whimsy.

I felt like a child from the second that I set foot in this game and that feeling didn't lift until sometime after I left. Hope End. Company: The Ministry of Peculiarities. Enthusiast Quote: "Hope End pulls you into its world from the moment you walk in the door.

Alternately whimsical, engaging, and slightly spooky, it is a special experience seamlessly blending live characters with a great all around room.

Kaleidoskop Company: Time Maze. Enthusiast Quote: "With its beautiful and deeply immersive set and some innovative game elements, Kaleidoskop is pure fun to experience. You never quite know what to expect next, and yet the whole game feels just so naturally coherent.

Time Machine. Enthusiast Quote: "Time Machine is a beautiful epic escape quest through time with a touch of humor, thanks to the professor! Company: Spookey Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "Stunning cinematography.. Leaves you speechless all the time.

Wanted: Dead or Alive. Enthusiast Quote: "I never laughed so hard in an escape room as in this one. The acting is incredible, the sets looks so good and the interaction made everything even better. I love a good ol' western theme, but this one is on another level.

Inmortum 2. Company: Hostal Enthusiast Quote: "These guys are absolutely amazing in terms of creating original and never seen games. They also make you laugh in their rooms, even if those are scary ones. Don't let them stop creating! The Sacrifice. Company: Disappear Escape Rooms.

Enthusiast Quote: "What these people have built in there cannot be described in words. It is not a room, it is an entire village. The Attraction. Company: Palace Games. Enthusiast Quote: "The most cerebral escape room I've ever done. This room will make you think and not just about the puzzles.

Company: The Maze. Enthusiast Quote: "A very authentic experience, with the troubling cube-shaped rooms, primal numbers and the constant feeling you are about to die Company: Dark Maze Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "An old-school horror movie coming to life. The scenes are remarkable, scary and top quality.

Going Underground. Company: Crime Runners. Enthusiast Quote: "In this game, traversal through the immersive space is a highlight that's unmatched by contemporary games. Golpe perfecto en el jardín de Buda. Company: Factoría Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The plot and the adrenaline present are one of the best.

The games are very well integrated, and the decoration is very realistic. We had many moments of tension and laughter. La Cervesería. Company: Enigmik. Enthusiast Quote: "A masterclass in slick, sleek puzzle design that just flows.

Company: Omescape. Enthusiast Quote: "Robotopia was filled with such moments of delight! The End. Enthusiast Quote: "If life after death is so much fun, then I'm already looking forward to it. Book, die, enjoy. Paradox Project 3: Το Ωδείον.

Enthusiast Quote: "If an escape room was a poem, this game would be it. Masterful artful execution of storytelling fused with riddles. Petra - El reino perdido. Company: Petra Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "This room is absolutely amazing and the scenes that they recreate are worthy of movies.

Non-stop solving amazing puzzles in 2 hours of play. Company: The Curium Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "From start to finish, this escape room provides an experience where the puzzle solving is non-stop but not overwhelming.

It boasts high production values and has a neat internally consistent story. Extraction is a brilliantly paced escape room. Le Prince. Company: Escaping Belgium.

Enthusiast Quote: "The details, the riddles, the music everything fits in this great escape! Tao Room Escape: Japanese Massage Center. Company: Virus Room Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "If you play escape rooms to have fun, this is it.

Fun, light-hearted and it leaves you with a smile. Jason's Legacy. Company: OuterGround Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "Jason's Legacy is the perfect mix between a puzzle and experience room, with a strong story in a beautiful setting.

The Edison Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "Interactive video game fun with tough puzzles and immersive vibes. הוליווד Company: Hype Esc. Enthusiast Quote: "Such a good theme for all nostalgia lovers, accompanied by good puzzles and cool setting.

Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und die weinende Frau. Company: Skurrilum. Enthusiast Quote: "Beautiful room with surprises and great storytelling. Mystic Project. Company: Mystic Corporation. Enthusiast Quote: "Blend "theatre" and "escape room" and you get "Mystic Project". Company: Escape Center.

Enthusiast Quote: "The best escape room in Israel. So much fun, a lot of WOW moments! Powstanie Warszawskie. Company: Black Cat Escape Room. Enthusiast Quote: "The best and most emotional history lesson I ever had. El hijo del posadero. Company: DragonBorn Escape Room Mad Mansion. Enthusiast Quote: "Early interaction with the actor was very amusing.

Quite a few "wow" moments in room transitions. Had a room reuse that was unexpected and satisfying. Story was satisfying and provided closure. Company: Criogenic. Enthusiast Quote: "The story is fun, the room is interesting and physical, and the puzzles are satisfying.

Company: Dark Vision Project. Enthusiast Quote: "Unbelievable. You must play it!!! Το Σανατόριο Μεσάνυχτα, Νύχτα. Enthusiast Quote: "I really love horror games and I believed my entire life that nothing can scare me. I changed my mind after this one.

The Starlight Motel. Company: Escape Artist Greenville. Enthusiast Quote: "The best time I've ever had interacting with actors in any capacity. Enthusiast Quote: "A delightful smorgasbord of fast-paced, adorable puzzles. The Storyteller's Secret.

Company: Boxaroo. Storyteller's Secret is uplifting and heartwarming without skimping on quality puzzles or immersive atmosphere. Lab Rat. Company: Hatch Escapes. Enthusiast Quote: "I played this game in early , and it still holds up as one of my favourite games ever, even after five years and an additional games.

Company: Epic Escape. Enthusiast Quote: "The biggest trick Epic Escape played on us was making us think this would just be an ordinary game in the middle of an industrial zone.

It is not. Believe me. Company: Krematorium Escape Rooms Experience. Enthusiast Quote: "Oh wow, the lighting to create terror is awesome. The Kami Temple. Enthusiast Quote: "Enter this temple at your own risk. You will need your wits and teammates if you hope to get to its secrets.

El loco del callejón. Company: Skp Room. Enthusiast Quote: "It is the escape room that made us feel it was the first time we played. It was also a room that is perfectly made, you don't need any additional clue. It just flows. The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt. Enthusiast Quote: "The Lost Treasure still tops my list, even 6 years!

after I first played it. Dark Lullaby. Enthusiast Quote: "An incredibly immersive room that was as impressive as it was frightening. I wish that I could go back and play it all over again. The Weeping Witch. Company: Cross Roads Escape Games.

Enthusiast Quote: "Very rarely does a horror-based room nail both the puzzles and the scares- but Weeping Witch does. Percy Pendleton's Peculiar Predicament. Enthusiast Quote: "This room awakened my love for collection style escape rooms. Solving as many well-constructed riddles as you can in your allotted time?

Yes please! Ice Tiki. Company: Way Out Escape Rooms Greece. Enthusiast Quote: "The most fun I ever had in an escape room. Completely different than anything you know. Feels like a playground for adults.

Woman in Black. Company: Coven Escape Rooms. Enthusiast Quote: "A jewel of an escape, lovingly crafted and acted by its creators, with whole scenes straight out of a movie. It's an amazing experience, frightening, but terribly enjoyable!

Distrito Company: Unreal Room Escape. Bites Motel. Company: Bite the Fly. Enthusiast Quote: "This experience had, hands down, the best acting I have ever seen in a room.

Projet R. Company: Immersia Escape Games Canada. Enthusiast Quote: "This is the stuff I used to dream about when I first started getting into escape rooms. A delightful concept executed wonderfully. Company: Escape Room Israel formerly Escape Sign.

Enthusiast Quote: "What truly makes this game exceptional is the stunning set design, ingenious puzzles, the professional brilliant actor, the visual effects, and the seamless integration of the Viking theme.

These elements come together to create a complete experience, delivering 60 minutes of pure pleasure. Project Minotaur. Company: Quest Room US. Enthusiast Quote: "Project Minotaur reminded me of what I enjoyed about escape rooms in the first place.

It put me in a different world where I was able to laugh, scream, and run for an hour and a half without any thought about the outside world. The Map Winners Map For a larger version of the map which includes all the finalists, click here. Awards and Rankings from Around the World Top Regional Sites The Top Escape Rooms Project's mission to find the best escape rooms in the world is clearly limited by the fact that the TERPECAs currently only recognize and honor rooms and companies that support English-speaking players and are in the countries and regions where such players are likely to visit.

Всички стаи maintains listings of escape rooms across Bulgaria including user reviews and ratings. EGA runs an annual awards ceremony celebrating the best games across China , as voted for by their panel of judges drawn from enthusiasts and industry experts. SI provides a comprehensive list of all escape games in Slovenia.

ca provides a database of of all the escape games in Canada , complete with maps, booking schedules, reviews, and aggregated ratings. Escape the Review DE provides reviews and rankings for escape rooms by enthusiasts and bloggers in Germany and surrounding areas.

This is the German version of the UK-based site also mentioned in this section. Escape Room Awards is an annual competition for escape rooms in Spain where a panel of judges, including enthusiasts and owners, choose the best escape rooms across the country.

Escape Room Lover provides a database of escape rooms throughout Spain , including user ratings for each room, organized by location. Escape the Review provides reviews and rankings for escape rooms by enthusiasts and bloggers in the United Kingdom and beyond.

They also maintain the most comprehensive reviews and rankings for play-at-home games available in English around the world.

gr lists most of the escape rooms in Greece and provides booking and reviews for them. The Escapers is a community platform that provides aggregated ratings and reviews for all of France that allows users to track, rate, and review all the games they play.

Escaper maintains a ranked list of games in Israel with Escape Certified Ratings, based on ratings given by users of the site. Yo adoro a JKS asi que iba a verlo de todas maneras pero , me enganche realmente desde los trailers y aunque en los primeros capis no aparece JKS solo al inicio una toma genial t cuenta el pasado y ya alli quedas intrigada.

Un personaje que realmente me gusto mucho fue el "Rey padre" excelente el actor JKS magnifico! muchos no entendieron ese comienzo tan inocente pero era necesario para que se viera el cambio del personaje un cambio que se hace sin que el mismo pierda su esencia.

Todos me gustaron la verdad. Pero coincido con lo de Dam Seo , muy poca participación y cuando pense que algo pasaria Y tambien me olvidaba de ella. Apesar que amo los romances me olvidaba de eso en este drama y lo principal era otra cosa no quiero arruinar el drama para quienes no lo vieron aunque en lo personal amo los spoilers jajaja Quede muy conforme con el drama , y su final fue como decis realista.

Quedé un poco confundida con el rey padre a veces parecía ser bueno y a veces era más malvado que Lee In Jwa pero igual me gustó muchísimo su actuación. Se nota su experiencia. Me encanto el personaje del Rey! Muy realista. Excelente actor! Lamentablemente en esa época el Rey para mantenerse como Rey tenía que ser una "bestia" como In Jwa decía.

Igual que despues paso con el principito , que no hizo cosas muy buenas para ser Rey y mientras fue Rey. u era una lucha de vida o muerte si eras elegible para el trono no solo en corea si no también en monarquías de otras partes del mundo. Y sip este Rey no fue "bueno" lo que se se dice que buena y noble persona Nunca entendí si Dam Seo llegó a enamorarse de alguno de ellos, o solo le tuvo aprecio a los dos, creí que tal vez iba a quedarse con uno de ellos, al principio ella me llamó la atención por su fuerte personalidad, pero luego ya no le dieron tanta importancia, hasta que murió.

También fue triste ver como mataron al niño hijo de Yeoning , pero creo que lo hizo más real. Páginas Página Principal Top Doramero Reseñas La Señorita Doramera pregunta Kpop. jueves, 30 de junio de Daebak Jackpot Reseña Final. Hace unos días terminó este fantástico dorama, que nos demostró que Jang Geun Suk es más que una cara bonita Y sin mayor preámbulo les dejo mis comentarios:.

Sukkie es de mis actores coreanos favoritos, sin embargo, ya estaba muy encasillado en papeles de chico flor fue muy grato observarlo desde otro ángulo; comenzó siendo un joven audaz aunque inmaduro, pero una serie de desavenencias, secretos y luchas de poder lo orilló a convertirse en un adulto joven muy inteligente, guerrero, capaz de mover masas vaya, todo un líder.

La escena que más nos impactó, sin duda, fue cuando se comió una serpiente real en su lucha por sobrevivir. Mira la escena nuevamente.


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Author: Tojas

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