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Rapidez Payout Premios

Rapidez Payout Premios

Now make Pajout new Bonificaciones de dinero diarias for Peemios amount less than that, with Rapidezz to another Payour account Raipdez another bank, I hope this Emoción de Casino Auténtica I will Emoción de Casino Auténtica have problems with PPayout withdrawal. Dinero con tus Gastos, you can opt to wait for the current withdrawal requests to be processed. Dear Natytaaa, I have verified this information with our support team, and I apologize for any misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this may negatively impact your rating. Los aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta en relación con los pagos varían de un caso a otro. Kindly let me know if there are any changes in the meantime. Solo espero que esto sea pronto, muchas gracias por tu respuesta.


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Rapidez Payout Premios -

Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Have you made any successful withdrawals before? Could you please confirm that you have passed the KYC verification? Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?

I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply. Hello, the truth is that it is the first time that I have won something, the casino support has always treated me very well, so I have no complaints, the identity verification was on August Hola, la verdad es que es primera vez que gano algo, el soporte del casino siempre me ha tratado muy bien ante eso no tengo reclamo alguno, la verificacion de identidad fue el 30 de agosto.

Thank you very much, Natytaaa, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomas tomas. k casino. guru who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.

I hope it will be resolved soon because more than the 21 days of waiting have already passed and nothing. We would like to invite 7Slots Casino to join the conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint. Since you contacted us in the chat, we have started investigating the reason for the delay within our company.

As I can see, my colleagues from the financial department have checked this information and provided an update. As my colleague from the support chat already told you, it is necessary to create separate withdrawal requests for limited amounts.

We want to thank you for your understanding. I can assure you that the new payout requests will be processed promptly.

Thank you very much, if the first withdrawal has already been deposited, I hope this does not take too long and the withdrawals are canceled more quickly because dividing the amount into 1, withdrawals is a rather overwhelming issue, but I hope to have good attention from the casino as it has been until now.

Muchas gracias, si ya esta depositado el primer retiro ojalá esto no se tarde y los retiros sean cancelados de manera más apresurada porque divivir el monto en 1. I want to clarify that I have never denigrated the treatment that the casino has had with me, on the contrary, I highlighted the attention of the customer service and the attention of the executive Fernando, who was the one who responded to me.

My complaint was about the waiting time. I never said that it was a bad thing. casino or anything, I just need my winnings to be cancelled, I want to continue playing because I know it is a serious casino I am just waiting to withdraw my previous winnings.

Quiero aclarar que jamás he denostado el trato que el casino ha tenido conmigo, por el contrario destaque la atención del servicio al cliente y la atención del ejecutivo Fernando que era quien me respondía mi queja fue por el tiempo de espera jamás dije que fuese un mal casino ni nada, solo necesito que se me cancele mis ganancias, quiero seguir jugando porque se que es un casino serio solo estoy esperando retirar mis ganancias anteriores.

I feel really scammed by the 7 slots casino, they play with people and excite them based on lies and deception, I want what was agreed in the response given by the casino to be fulfilled. Me siento realmente estafada porel casino 7 slots, juegan con las personas y la ilusionan en base a mentiras y engaños quiero que se cumpla lo acordado en la respuesta que dio el casino.

I demand that the casino comply with the refund of my account and my funds as promised by the executive who responded to this same complaint,. Exijo el casino cumpla con el reintegro de mi cuenta y de mis fondos tal como se comprometió el ejecutivo quien respondió en esta misma queja,.

I understand your concerns regarding this situation. I would like to reassure you that every account undergoes a thorough review before any action, such as a block, is taken. It's important to note that the account was blocked due to a violation of the website's rules.

Instances like these are carefully investigated by the relevant department, and if any suspicious activities were observed on the profile, your account may have been blocked.

In this situation, we cannot offer any refunds, as you agreed to our terms and rules when creating your account. Your response is illogical, like after stating what would be cancelled, after making me divide my profit and having paid only 1 withdrawal, they say that I broke a rule that does not exist because I read and reviewed them completely It is not easier to admit that They are scammers who play with people's dreams.

Es ilógica su respuesta, como después de afirmar qué se cancelaría, después de hacer que dividiera mi ganancia y haber pagado solo 1 retiro dicen que rompí una regla q no existe porque las leí y revise completa No es más fácil admitir que son unos estafadores que juegan con la ilusión de las personas.

This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties. Could you please provide us with an explanation of the player's situation in more detail from your point of view? If we are talking about a breach of the casino's Terms and Conditions, is the casino able to substantiate.

It is possible to share the data directly here, with your reply, or by sending them to my email address tomas. I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address the recent issue regarding the blockage of your account on our platform.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We initiated an additional check of your account and found a mistake in our system which caused an account block.

We understand the frustration and inconvenience that the account blockage may have caused, and we take full responsibility for this error. Rest assured, we have thoroughly reviewed the situation and have identified the mistake that led to the blockage. As a measure to rectify the situation, we have initiated the refund process for the balance in your account.

As for now, the real balance is on your account. We value you as a customer and appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. We sincerely apologize once again for any inconvenience caused and assure you of our commitment to providing you with a seamless experience moving forward.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team, who will be more than happy to assist you. I hope that 7slots casino does not make me wait the 21 days again, if my account has already been verified, it will generate a single withdrawal this time for 8, Espero que casino 7slots no me haga esperar nuevamente los 21 días si mi cuenta ya fue verificada genere un solo retiro esta Vez por 8.

The withdrawal will be processed within the terms specified in the Terms and Conditions. However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is the maximum time frame.

Our specialists in the financial department always do their best to process the payout as quickly as possible. As I can see, one payout request has been successfully processed from our side.

The remaining payout requests will be processed soon as well. The first withdrawal is in my account again and it appears with an error, I need a solution I do not want the 21 days to pass and have to wait longer, the request was made on August 21 and I have already been waiting for 2 months I need a solution.

el primer retiro nuevamente esta en mi cuenta y aparece con error, necesito una solución no quiero que pasen los 21 días y tener que esperar más tiempo la solicitud la hice el 21 de agosto y ya llevo 2 meses esperando necesito una solución. Rest assured, the remaining payouts are currently in the queue for processing and will be addressed accordingly.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. We understand that mistakes and unexpected issues can occur. However, in this particular case, it seems that the player has followed all your instructions correctly, yet withdrawals are not being processed on your end.

To ensure the payments start to process, I am extending the timer by 7 days. We are writing to inform you that, due to technical issues, only one of your recent withdrawal requests has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

However, please be assured that the rest of your payout requests are currently in the queue for processing and will be addressed promptly. The payout requests will be processed within the terms indicated in the Terms and Conditions of the website. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team, who will be more than happy to assist you.

I just don't want to find new surprises, the wait has already been quite overwhelming, you will understand that if the original request was in August and we are already in November, I just want my withdrawal to be canceled as the customer service executives have told me in a single payment and not be surprised that they are going to cancel an amount per day because I requested 8,, and not 24 payments of , as the casino divided it, which from what has been explained to me will arrive in a single payment.

Yo solo no quiero encontrar nuevas sorpresas ya han sido bastante agobiante la espera, comprenderán qué si la solicitud original fue en agosto y ya estamos a noviembre solo quiero que mi retiro sea cancelado como me han dicho los ejecutivos de servicio al cliente en un solo pago y no encontrarme con la sorpresa que vayan a cancelar un monto por día porque yo solicite 8.

Can you please update us on the current situation? Has there been any progress with your withdrawals? Hello Tomás It still remains the same, they gave me a payment date for November 17, which is where the maximum period of 21 days is met, I just hope that this time it is true.

Hola Tomás Aun se mantiene igual me dieron fecha de pago para el 17 de noviembre qué ahí se cumple el plazo máximo de los 21 días, solo espero que esta vez sea verdad.

Thank you for the information. I'm now extending the timer by another 7 days, and hopefully, we will be closing the case as resolved.

Thank you Tomás for your help and concern about any changes, I will let you know, I hope it is positive. Hello Thomas, I am still waiting according to the response from 7slots casino, the payment should be registered on the 17th of this month, there are 21 days of this long wait.

Hola Thomas aun estoy a la espera según la respuesta de casino 7slots el pago debiese registrarse el día 17 de este mes ahí se cumplen los 21 días de esta larga espera. To ensure that we have accurate information regarding your withdrawal, I'm now extending the timer for the casino.

We hope to receive a response from them within the next two days. In the meantime, please let me know if you have already received your payment. Thank you. Hello Tomas, good morning, I have not yet received my withdrawal money, hoping that it will be deposited on Friday.

Hola Tomas buenos días aun no he recibido el dinero de mi retiro esperando que el viernes ya esté depositado. Hello Tomás, good day, today I checked my casino account and everything is still the same, today the 21 days of waiting were completed And I have not received a response from the casino except that if the payment does not appear in my account today, I must contact you again.

God forbid that I have to wait only until the afternoon and no more days since I have had this problem since August Best regards. Hola Tomás buen día hoy revise mi cuenta del casino y aun sigue todo igual, hoy se cumplieron los 21 días de espera Y no he obtenido respuesta del casino más que si hoy no figura el pago en mi cuenta debo volver a comunicarme mañana Dios quiera tener que esperar solo hasta la tarde y no más días ya que este problema lo mantengo desde el 21 de agosto Saludos cordiales.

I swear that with each passing day I feel more frustration with 7slots casino, until when do I have to continue waiting, the day deadline has already been met and now they say that I have to wait a little longer I have been waiting for 4 months to be deposited juro que cada día que pasa siento más la frustración con casino 7slots, hasta cuando debo seguir esperando ya se cumplió el plazo de los 21 días y ahora salen que debe esperar un poco más Llevo 4 meses esperando que me depositen Good morning, dear Tomás, the 7slots casino has not yet deposited my winnings.

In fact, they do not even give an accurate answer. This already seems like a joke in poor taste. I have been waiting for 3 months for my withdrawal to be canceled. It is of no use to me if it continues to extend.

plus the deadline, on this same platform the casino assured that my account was carefully reviewed and that this time I would not have any problem with my payment, however, 6 more days have already passed than the day period.

I need seriousness and for 7slots casino to cancel the money I won, I don't want to think that this is a scam that plays with the hopes and feelings of the people who believe in this platform. I hope they take responsibility once and for all and the payment is reflected in my bank account.

Buen día, estimado Tomás el casino 7slots aun no realiza el deposito de mis ganancias es más aun no dan ni una respuesta certera esto ya parece un chiste de pésimo gusto, llevo 3 meses esperando que mi retiro sea cancelado no me sirve que se siga extendiendo más el plazo, en esta misma plataforma el casino aseguró que mi cuenta fue revisada minusiosamente y que esta vez no tendría problema alguno en mi pago, sin embargo ya han pasado 6 días más del plazo de los 21 días.

Necesito seriedad y que casino 7slots me cancele el dinero que gané, no quiero pensar que esto es una estafa que juegan con la ilusión y los sentimientos de las personas que creen en esta plataforma. Espero que se hagan responsable de una vez por todas y se me refleje el pago en mi cuenta bancaria.

We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. They weren't even present during the previous deadline It's shameful how they make fun of people. Ni siquiera se hicieron presente durante el plazo anterior Es vergonzoso el como se burlan de las personas.

because the casino blocked my account again. porque el casino nuevamente bloqueo mi cuenta. I demand that the casino comply with what was agreed, it is a shame that they make fun of people in this way.

Exijo el casino cumpla con lo acordado es una vergüenza que se burlen de las personas de esta manera. Dear Tomás, I need 7slots casino to clarify why my account is being blocked due to suspicion of fraud.

That was the answer the customer service executive gave me. Yes, when they enabled my account, the only thing I did was request my withdrawal.

Estimado Tomás necesito que casino 7slots me aclare porque se me está bloqueando la cuenta por sospecha de fraude esa fue la respuesta que me dio el ejecutivo de servicio al cliente si cuando me habilitaron mi cuenta lo único que hice fue solicitar mi retiro.

The casino not only refuses to cancel my withdrawal, but in every conversation they denounce my integrity as a person. I demand to know why I am accused of being disloyal and committing fraud. el casino no solamente se niega a cancelarme el retiro si no que en cada conversación denostan mi integridad como persona exijo saber porque se me tilda de desleal y de cometer en fraude.

Can you please provide us with an explanation regarding the player's account being blocked again? As per your previous communication, it was stated that the blockage was due to an error on your side.

However, it seems that similar issues are recurring, ranging from account blocks to technical problems with withdrawals, and no progress has been made so far.

We would like to request you to provide us with detailed information regarding the situation within a reasonable time frame.

If we don't receive this information, we will be compelled to close the complaint as unresolved. Unfortunately, this may negatively impact your rating. Dear Tomás, in case this complaint is closed due to the 7slots casino's non-response, can I continue to file more complaints against him until he answers me with something coherent???

Querido Tomás en caso que esta queja se cierre por la no respuesta del casino 7slots puedo seguir colocando más quejas en contra de él hasta que me responda algo coherente??? I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused by the temporary locking of your account.

We understand the importance of accessing your account seamlessly and regret any frustration this may have caused. Upon thorough review, it has come to our attention that this action was taken due to an inadvertent mistake on our end.

We deeply regret any inconvenience this may have caused you. In addition, I would like to assure you that the requested payout will be processed within the agreed-upon terms. Should you have any further concerns or require clarification on this matter, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

We are here to assist you in any way we can. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused, and I appreciate your understanding in this matter. This time I requested a new withdrawal for a lower amount so that I could wait only 5 days, once this amount is canceled I will request the maximum amount I have left.

Hoping I don't have to wait 21 days again and the casino blocks my account again. Esta vez solicite un nuevo retiro por un monto más bajo así para esperar solo 5 días, una vez este monto sea cancelado solicitare el monto máximo que me queda. Esperando no tener que volver a esperar 21 días y que el casino vuelva a bloquear mi cuenta.

We want to make one final attempt to resolve this issue. I am extending the timer by seven days. If no payment is received by the end of this period, the case will be closed as unresolved.

The casino will not be able to extend the timer again simply by making empty promises. I checked my account today and the withdrawal for , is in process. Once this is cancelled, I will request the remainder of my money. I will inform you of any modification to the casino immediately.

Revise mi cuenta hoy y esta en proceso el retiro por Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that your recent withdrawal request has encountered an unforeseen issue. After processing your withdrawal request, we encountered a complication with the bank, resulting in the refusal of the transaction.

Your withdrawal canceled due to refusal by the issuing bank. To expedite the resolution of this matter, we kindly request that you consider using an alternative payment method or another card.

Should you have any questions or require assistance in choosing an alternative payment method, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. Our support team is available to guide you through the process and address any concerns you may have.

We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation in resolving this matter promptly. Can you please confirm if you have made any new deposits during the period while we are solving this case? And can you please explain why you have made these deposits?

Was there any reason to deposit more when having issues with withdrawing funds? Yes, because I wanted to verify if my debit card was the problem to withdraw my funds since they had suspended the withdrawal so many times.

Si, porque quería verificar si mi tarjeta de débito era el problema para retirar mis fondos ya que habían suspendido el retiro por tantas veces. And they told me that the card was not the problem, one of the previous executives told me to withdraw it through a bank transaction.

Y me dijeron que la tarjeta no era el problema, uno de los ejecutivos anteriores me dijo que lo retirara atravez de transacción bancaria. The previous withdrawal requests have been cancelled due to the mistake from our side.

Your account was blocked because of a system mistake. We want to bring our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by the recent cancellation of your withdrawal requests and the temporary blockage of your account. But we must bring to your attention that a withdrawal request in the amount of , In this case, we kindly request that you consider using an alternative payment method or another card.

Now make a new withdrawal for an amount less than that, with withdrawal to another bank account from another bank, I hope this time I will not have problems with that withdrawal. Ahora realice un nuevo retiro por un monto inferior a ese, con retiro a otra cuenta bancaria de otro banco espero esta vez no tener problemas en ese retiro.

Dear, 7slots casino asks me to believe multiple requests for withdrawals of up to 30, pesos, that would be withdrawals, it is a great joke, they already did the same thing to me once and blocked me, I need my money and it is fair for us to wait so long again.

Estimados, el casino 7slots me pide creer múltiples solicitudes de retiros de hasta To ensure the continued security and functionality of your account, we kindly remind you to adhere to the rules and guidelines outlined on our website. As long as you comply with these rules, your account will remain active and accessible.

Please be advised that the creation of smaller payout amounts is a matter determined by our payment provider's policy.

The payment provider may establish certain thresholds, limitations, or transaction minimums that impact the disbursement amounts. My earnings are 8,, by creating multiple withdrawals that will not cause them to close my account again How should I make a daily request or how many daily requests can I make I do not want to be harmed again.

Mi ganancias son de 8. Como debo hacerlo una solititud diaria o cuantas solicitudes diarias puedo realizar no quiero verme perjudicada nuevamente. I made 10 requests while I really don't want any more surprises, I've been waiting for a long time, I need to know if this will take a long time and how many more requests I can make.

Realice 10 solicitudes mientras de verdad ya no quiero más sorpresas harto tiempo he esperado, necesito saber si esto demorará mucho y cuantas solicitudes más puedo realizar.

Any updates regarding the payment? If nothing has been changed, as already mentioned, I will have to close the complaint as unresolved, which will negatively influence the casino's rating.

Please update us on the current disputed amount. I am waiting for my withdrawals to be canceled, Tomás, I ask you please, if you can wait for me, I will not lose hope that the 7slots casino will take responsibility and cancel my winnings.

Estoy en espera a que se me cancele los retiros Tomás te pido por favor que si me puedes esperar no pierdo la esperanza que el casino 7slots se haga responsable y me cancele mis ganancias. If this is your request, we can wait. However, please keep in mind that extending the timer again and again without any progress on the casino's side will not harm their rating.

Only closing this complaint as unresolved may prompt the casino to take action and pay the winnings to you. I will set the timer for another 7 days, which will be the last one.

I am hopeful that we will see some developments soon. dear Tomás, the 7slots casino once again has a technical problem due to my withdrawal, I am already tired of the deadline being met, the casino cancels my withdrawal, they ask me to do it again and a problem occurs again, it is not braver to come out and show your face and dec They are scamming people, they have no intention of canceling my winnings, I made a withdrawal for a much lower amount and after waiting, they tell me that there was a technical error, enough is enough, I need someone to guarantee my money as quickly as possible.

possible, the account has already been verified on many occasions in this casino, I have been treated as fraudulent, what a disloyal player by the operators, I need them to show their face, I am tired of waiting, I have to wait a little longer since August 21, they don't believe which is more than enough time, if it's not one thing it's another.

querido Tomás el casino 7slots nuevamente tiene un problema técnico por mi retiro, ya estoy harta de que se cumpla el plazo el casino anule mi retiro me piden hacerlo nuevamente y vuelve a ocurrir un problema, no es más valiente el salir a dar la cara y dec ir que están estafando a las personas que ellos no tienen ni una intención de cancelar mis ganancias realice un retiro por un monto mucho I ferior y después de esperar me salen que hubo un error técnico ya basta necesito que alguien me garantice mi dinero lo más rápido posible la cuenta ya fue verificada en muchas oportunidades en este casino he sido tratada de fraudulenta, que jugadora desleal por parte de los operadores, necesito que den la cara, me canse de esperar, que espere un tiempo más desde el 21 de agosto no creen que es tiempo más que suficiente, si no es una cosa es otra.

Our financial department has given priority to resolving this situation, and we diligently check the payments every day.

I would like to bring to your attention that the transactions have been successfully processed from our side. Please be assured that this error is not on our side.

If the bank declines the payment from us, we have limited influence over this matter. Rest assured, we are making every effort to ensure you receive your winnings as promptly as possible. We take pride in being a fully transparent and reliable casino, and we facilitate successful withdrawals for numerous users every day.

We highly value our reputation and are committed to maintaining the trust of our players. I am confident that you will receive your payment soon as well.

However, to prevent any further cancellations from your bank, it is advisable to consider using an alternative payment method for your transactions. Dear 7slots: this situation is really strange since I changed banks to receive my withdrawal, you will understand that after being blocked twice because of you and trying to recover my winnings since August 21, I have every right to be upset, I don't know if I will really be the only person with bad luck in this life.

I will try to make a change in the withdrawal method again for the 8,, but I think that if my account has been analyzed and verified so many times it should not be or considering that they made the mistake of blocking my account twice after waiting for the 21 days for the deposit that the casino will deposit the winnings before the date, as compensation for the bad times they have caused me.

Estimados 7slots: es realmente extraña esta situación ya que cambie de banco para poder recibir mi retiro, comprenderán que después de estar bloqueada dos veces por vuestra culpa y estar desde el 21 de agosto tratando de recuperar mi ganancia tengo todo el derecho a estar molesta, yo no se si realmente seré solo yo la única persona con mala suerte en esta vida.

Trataré de realizar nuevamente un cambio en el método de retiro por los 8. There I canceled some of the withdrawals of 30,, there were 6 that I could not cancel because they were in process and I generated two withdrawals by bank transfer, one for 8,, and another for ,, so my withdrawal would be for a total of 8,,, I hope with With all my heart, this time my deposit is soon and without any more problems, it is not fair if my account has already been verified for 5.

Months that I continue waiting for my profits for another 21 days. NATALY PAREDES says goodbye hoping for success this time. Ahí anule algunos de los retiros de Meses que yo siga esperando mis ganancias por otros 21 días. Se despide esperando éxito en esta ocasión NATALY PAREDES.

I have forwarded this information to the financial department to expedite the withdrawal process. We will do our best to process the payout from our side as soon as possible. We hope that, this time, the bank will accept the payment from our side, and you will receive your winnings.

Please be assured that your case is under my control. As soon as there is any update, I will let you know. Upon checking, we have successfully initiated one of the transaction requests using the Bank Transfer method. We kindly request you to use this method for the remaining transactions as well.

Transactions initiated through Bank Transfer will be processed promptly. Indeed, one of the requests has already been successfully deposited, the requested withdrawal is 1,, If I would like to know if the rest of my withdrawal, once it is cancelled, will I be able to request it in a higher amount than withdrawals of 30, Efectivamente una de las solicitudes ya fue depositada exitosamente, el retiro solicitado es de 1.

Si quisiera saber si el resto de mi retiro una vez este sea cancelado lo podré solicitar en un monto más alto que retiros de Natytaaa , can you please confirm what amount you have received so far, and what amount is left to be withdrawn? I received 30, pesos, I have 8,, left to withdraw but at the moment I requested 1, Recibí This is the balance I have left to withdraw specifically.

este es el saldo que me queda por retirar especificamente. Dear 7slots, I contacted Rafael from customer service to find out why my withdrawals still appear in new status and he informs me that they are in the account verification process and that this can take up to 30 days and that they are momentarily suspended, my deposit request according to the 5 day wait should be on the 15th of this month, attached conversation.

Estimados 7slots tome contacto con Rafael de atención al cliente para saber porque aun aparecen en estado nuevo mis retiros y el me informa que están en proceso de verificación de cuenta y que esto puede tardar hasta 30 días y que momentáneamente están suspendidos, el deposito de mi solicitud según los 5 días de espera debiesen estar para el día 15 de este mes, adjunto conversación.

Could you please let us know if there are any issues with the player's withdrawal requests? Could you provide more information about the verification process that your customer service agent mentioned? Additionally, why would it take up to 30 days to complete this process?

We would like to remind you that we have previously decided not to accept any further excuses. However, we have noticed that only 30, CLPs approximately 35 USD have been processed so far, which does not represent significant progress considering the player has been waiting for 2 months.

This contradicts your terms and conditions, which state a monthly withdrawal limit of 15, USD. This limit does not align with the situation the player is currently facing. If there is no improvement within the next 7 days, we will close this complaint as unresolved and also update the withdrawal limits in the review, which will have a negative impact on your rating.

I want to assure you that we are making every effort to process your withdrawal request as swiftly as possible. The requested withdrawal amount is 1,, CLP, with 90, An additional , However, it's important to note that your bank does not accept payments requested via the card method.

To ensure a smooth transaction, we kindly request that you make future withdrawal requests using the Bank Transfer method, as it aligns with your bank's payment acceptance criteria.

Part of the current payout in progress is via the card method, but the remainder will be processed shortly. Regrettably, we cannot process all withdrawals simultaneously due to limitations on the payment provider's side.

An additional term has been announced due to the situation with the bank declines. However, it's crucial to understand that this term does not imply that the player must wait 30 days to receive the payout.

We have chosen to process withdrawal requests incrementally to avoid additional declines from your side. At this stage, I recommend you to wait a bit more. If the payouts currently in process via card method face further declines, please consider creating a Bank Transfer withdrawal.

Please be assured that this is a temporary measure, and we are committed to processing all pending withdrawal requests promptly to ensure you receive your payments without complications.

My withdrawals were requested via bank transfer to my bank, which has only been deposited 90, The casino asked me to make withdrawals for an amount of 30, pesos and I complied with that but it is assumed that for the requested amount the casino should cancel this amount in a wait of 5 business days which has already been fulfilled.

Mis retiros fueron solicitados medio transferencia bancaria a mi banco el cual se me han depositado solo El casino me solicitó realizar retiros por un monto de It should be noted that the day I requested the transfer of 30, by bank transfer, I asked the executives if it was necessary to eliminate the 6 withdrawals that were pending due to withdrawal to my bank card and they asked me to wait for the completion of the withdrawals first.

Cabe señalar que el día que solicite la transferencia de I want to know how much longer I should wait for the remaining deposit, if the casino's deadline for the amount was 5 business days and 10 days have already passed, and the executives tell me that each withdrawal that has been processed goes to the experts and that takes 5 more days, I want to clarify and emphasize that the casino asked me to generate withdrawals for a maximum of 30, clp and so far they have only deposited a part of it in 10 days alone, , clp have been canceled.

Motivación y compromiso en las ventas Gamificar el incentivo de ventas. Gestión de comisiones de venta Automatice las comisiones y los pagos.

Inteligencia de ingresos Tomar decisiones empresariales basadas en datos. Gestión del rendimiento de las ventas Desbloquee el rendimiento con comisiones. Integración de datos Centralice los datos de sus comisiones.

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Kind code of ref document : A1. Ref Paoyut code : JP. El Arena de Premios está previsto para que Rapifez través de Dinero con tus Gastos Payuot Dinero con tus Gastos de la red bancaria, se Dinero con tus Gastos comprar boletos de lotería, para lo cual se Prfmios necesario que el cliente tenga una cuenta Sorteo de regalos especiales y una tarjeta de crédito Normativas de Juego Seguro débito, por Prmeios de Premio cual se puede acceder Concursos creativos emocionantes su cuenta y solicitar al sistema el Payoht los números deseados, a la Catálogo variado de apuestas de que el sistema le solicita al Payput información Premois y le pide que teclee Rapldez número o números que quiere, autorizando seguidamente el cliente el débito de su Rapidez Payout Premios bancaria, confirmando en el sistema la disponibilidad de los dígitos seleccionados, efectuándose el cobro pro la compra del boleto, que hace imprimir automáticamente con los dígitos seleccionados, registrándose simultámente datos sobre el cliente y el sorteo, notificando el sistema todos los datos anteriores al banco y el banco automáticamente deposita a la cuenta del sistema el montante correspondiente a la venta. El cliente, en caso de haber obtenido premio puede solicitar, a través del cajero automático, la transferencia del premio su cuenta bancaria. S1STE A DE COMPRA, PAGO Y EMISIÓN DE BOLETOS DE LOTERÍA A TRAVÉS DE CAJEROS AUTOMÁTICOS DE LA RED BANCAR1A. La presente invención se refiere a un sistema para la compra, pago y emisión de boletos de lotería a través de los cajeros automáticos de la red bancaria pre-estabiecida, de manera que para que el cliente pueda comprar el boleto de lotería es necesario tener una cuenta bancaria, una tarjeta de crédito o débito y el correspondiente número secreto para poder acceder a un cajero automático, todo ello con ei fin de solicitar al sistema de compra, pago y emisión de los boletos de lotería, ei o los números deseados, solicitando el sistema una cierta información personal ai cliente, así como que teclee el número o números que desea. Rapidez Payout Premios

Author: Samulkis

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